Expat education packages - tuition support from employers?

hi Everyone,

I'm looking to relocate with my husband and two children to Singapore, and was looking at international school fees in Singapore. The expat package that we got provides for full tuition support for the first year, but it's unclear whether we'll continue getting support in subsequent years. I've been talking to some expat parents and it seems that the trend in Singapore is that companies are withdrawing tuition support to a partial (or even zero) basis, which got me a little worried .... does anyone have experiences/ comments on this?

Thanks so much!! :)

Pia @Ecuador

Hello Pia and welcome to Expat.com!

Do not hesitate to browse the forum, it may be helpful to you.;)

I wish you good luck,

Most companies want to save unnecessary expenses.
School fees are high and, if they find people who go abroad without them, an unecessary expense.
Yes, this is becoming more and more common. And rightly so, in my opinion. In a more and more interconnected world, are you worth so much more to your company just because you are stationed away from your home? I think not!