Pension change of bank details

Hi just wondered if anyone on this forum is from the UK with a British state pension and has changed their bank details that their pension is paid into recently? What was the process?


@Gooner75 As its as British State Pension you just ring the Pension people in uk and give them your new details.

I did it before Brexit,  having my UK pension  paid into my BOV account,   as fusspot says just give  department  of pensions  your Malta bank details.

Don't have maltese bank account was hoping it could be sent to revolut instead in the GBP account.

you will still have to ring them and ask if it can be paid into your revolut account.

@DP4 hi did you just phone the details, over or did you have to sent a letter?

Hi Gooner75

I 1st went on line then sent my  requirements  in writing

Good luck.


@DP4 what did you do online can I ask? Which website?

Hi Gooner,

It's GOV.UK  then  international pension center.