Filipina married to Emirati

Hi I am Filipina I am married to UAE national. We get married here in Philippines, and we have a 10 months old Son, and now I am planning to go back to uae with my son. Our marriage certificate is authenticated already in Department of foreign affairs here in my country (Philippines) I want to ask what are the requirements we need, to come in uae. And what my husband need to do for me and my Son to be in UAE. Any one who have idea it is surely a big help for me. Thank you

Don't post on multiple threads.

You need to get the marriage certificate attested by the UAE Embassy in Phil and then by MOFA UAE (send it there).  Also the birth certificate for your son.  Then he needs to do the rest of the formalities and he can go to immigration for visa issuance - they can guide him for typing application and so on.

Hi Xiang good day! We tried to send it in UAE embassy here in Philippines but thy asking 5months proof stay of my husband, family book and national id. I think the 5months stay requirements is too much and impossible for my husband, cause he is working. Is there any chance I can just send the papers and attest it in uae? Thank you so much for the answers really appreciate

You can try but MOFA might just send it back and ask it to be attested by UAE Embassy in Philippines.  Your husband needs to get involved and talk to Embassy staff directly.

Hello kabayan,as my experience,i went to uae embassy for the authentication of my daughters birth certificate and our marriage cert.
But before going to embassy for authentication make sure u made you documents red ribboned in dfa.
If you want to travel your son on uae citizenship,embassy  will process for the travelling document and they need passport copy and family book of your husband.
And your husband will make a husband's visa for you kabayan.

Hello everyone i just want to know the procedure of getting uae passport for a newborn in philippines, currently im living here in uae and im 3 months pregnant, my husband and i got married in philippines october last year, my husband is emirati and im from philippines, uae embassy in philippines refused to stamp our marriage certificate even it is already authenticated from nso and dfa. Reason behind the refusal is because we need to ask first approval from MOFA here in UAE for allowing uae national to marry in philippines, so we decided to deliver the baby in philippines instead here,

Without approval from MOFA, you won't be able to get a passport.

We tried several times to go in uae embassy in philippines to get the stamp for our marriage cert but they r refusing to do, unless, we have the email approval from mofa here in UAE. We have been in Mofa to asked for the approval but they told us that theres no such thing. So im really confused on what or where am i going to deliver my baby

Any update sis?

Maybe this help you? … grant.aspx … grant.aspx

I dont know why link is not sent. I found the marriage grant service in Ministry of Community Development of UAE. Maybe it's help you out somehow

Hi dear, my problem is my partner working in UAE army . As we know they are not allowed to marry a foreigner. And am 2weeks pregnant now . We live together for almost 3years here in uae. I want to go for prenatal check up but i dont know where😥😔

as far as i know,emirati working in military are not allowed to marry expat.
I have some friends,kabayan also their emirati husbands choose to leave the military to marry them.

Why didn't  allow foreigner?

It is a decision by the Government.  It is what it is.

@Mashael_A hello hope you can help me with this matter me and my Emarati fiancee are planning to get married on December in philippines what are the requirements that we need? Hope you can help me.I will appreciate your reply Thank you


Marriage grant is purely of UAE Citizens only who is planning to get married, it is a financial aid to help them with the wedding expenses.


If you are muslim, the process will be easier. You can easily get married in Shariah court, asked a licensed uztad and you need to provide the passport copies and sign the marriage license together with 2 witnesses and they will schedule Nikah.