Job offers in Riyadh

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Latest job offers in Riyadh
Added on 22/05/2024
Added on 12/05/2024
Everything you need to know to work in Riyadh
Working in Riyadh
As the capital city of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh is one of the biggest urban communities in the country and is home to a large number of expats. Riyadh is known to be the heart of Saudi Arabia, the place where decisions are taken. Most government agencies and ministries are located there, as well as foreign embassies.  
Jobs in the Middle East
Very nice source of job announcements across the Middle East and north Africa, with some additional coverage of other countries. maintains 12 regional offices in Abu Dhabi, Al Kuwait, Amman, Beirut, Cairo, Casablanca, Doha, Dubai, Eastern Province, Jeddah, Manama, and Riyadh, and contact information for all is available. The site is fully functional in Arabic, English, and French, and job seekers can do a lot of searching and reviewing of jobs and other career information before registering (free).
Understanding the work environment in Riyadh
At the point when oil export started in the late 1930s, the regressive desert state experienced an abrupt rise thanks to its dynamic workforce. Saudi Arabia had neither the mastery nor the human resources to sustain its rapidly developing economy. Since then, the country opened its doors to foreign manpower. In 1970, 1 million foreign workers were employed in Saudi Arabia. Today, the foreign population accounts for around 10 million workers, making up about 33% of the country's population as a whole.
Riyadh's labour market
Working in Riyadh can come with many benefits: whether you are a young professional or expert in your field. As Saudi Arabia's capital and a rapidly developing economic power, Riyadh has a lot to offer to those who come here to develop their careers. You will not only gain experience working in a new environment and mixing with other professionals but also be able to benefit from the 100% tax-exempt wages.
Starting a business in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is one of the fastest business climate improvers, according to the annual World Bank's group report — Doing business Report 2020. The reforms ongoing in the country, both at the business and the social levels are favorable for the investors to come.
Working in Saudi Arabia
Finding a job in Saudi Arabia is mostly done before entering the country. Employment visas are still the most issued type of visa in Saudi Arabia, even though the country has started issuing tourist visas since September 2019.
Added on 08/05/2024
Added on 23/04/2024
Biryani Cook
gccsouthindian Team
Fixed-term contract
Added on 21/04/2024
Job candidates in Riyadh
Nanny / childcare
Permanent contract
Added on 16/06/2024
SAR 3000
Accounting Manager
Syed Farrukh Ahmed
Fixed-term contract
Added on 09/06/2024
USD 5000
Special Needs Teacher
Naseem Warunkar
Fixed-term contract
Added on 03/06/2024
SAR 200
Dispatcher Team leader
Ateeq Noor
Permanent contract
Added on 27/05/2024
USD 80
International Trailer driver
Fida Hussain
Permanent contract
Added on 09/05/2024
Added on 24/04/2024
USD 2000
Marketing Manager
Nadeem Ahmed
Permanent contract
Added on 18/04/2024
SAR 15000
Added on 13/04/2024
SAR 5000
Network Administrator
Hassan Al Basri
Permanent contract
Added on 13/04/2024
SAR 4500
Bsc Nurse
Rahmet Mohammed Umer
Permanent contract
Added on 11/04/2024
Added on 28/03/2024
EUR 2500
Added on 19/03/2024
SAR 38750
Expatriate Project Manager
Jordi Marcos
Permanent contract
Added on 15/03/2024
EUR 80000
Added on 09/03/2024
USD 3500
Added on 05/03/2024
SAR 12000
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