
The same budget can mean a world of difference for expats
Cost of living
The same budget can mean a world of difference for expats
Today, more and more people have not only the opportunity but also the desire to live abroad. But as you make such a bold decision, you will face various challenges — one of the most important of which will be managing your expenses overseas.
Study abroad: How to carefully choose a university and secure a seat
Schools & studies
Study abroad: How to carefully choose a university and secure a seat
Nearly half of the international students admitted to Canadian institutions have been facing visa rejections over the past months, with certain public colleges in Ontario experiencing the denial of thousands of admitted students.
The best countries for expats with disabilities
Everyday life
The best countries for expats with disabilities
Moving abroad comes with an additional challenge when you have a disability. Some countries or even individual cities have better legal protection for the differently-abled, accessible buildings and public transport, and other things like accessible leisure and sports activities. They offer more welcoming environments for expats with disabilities to move to. Here are some of these destinations.
How can expats resume their careers after a long break?
How can expats resume their careers after a long break?
Are you keen on getting back to work after a long career break? Things might not be as easy as they seem to be, especially for expat women. Where do you begin? Here are some tips to help you get back on track.
Teaching abroad: What qualifications do you really need?
Teaching abroad: What qualifications do you really need?
Teaching abroad is a great opportunity to experience a new country, gain professional experience, make new connections — and more. The opportunity to live abroad while receiving a salary and having your basic expenses covered sounds like a dream to many. And there is a high chance that this lifestyle may be yours — provided, of course, that you have the right qualifications or are willing to work on acquiring them. Let's look into this in a bit more detail.
Six reasons to upgrade your skills while working abroad
Six reasons to upgrade your skills while working abroad
We live in a fast-paced world, and the workplace seems to be moving at an even faster pace. Outside of keeping up with the high demands of day-to-day tasks, you might also find yourself having to keep up with a range of different skills and requirements. In today's ever-evolving and highly connected world, we see a constant emergence of new ways to do things, new information, and new work methods.
Starting a family abroad: Between challenges and opportunities
Everyday life
Starting a family abroad: Between challenges and opportunities
Moving abroad generally brings its share of challenges and opportunities, regardless of your family situation. Among the crucial decisions for expats, starting a family in a foreign country requires thoughtful consideration within the couple and meticulous planning. Let's delve into the nuances of this beautiful adventure abroad.
What are your visa options for taking a gap year abroad?
What are your visa options for taking a gap year abroad?
Embarking on a gap year abroad has become an increasingly enticing prospect for individuals seeking respite from the daily grind or contemplating a career shift in a foreign country. Planning a sabbatical year involves various considerations, with one crucial aspect being the selection of an appropriate visa. Whether you are interested in a Working Holiday Visa (WHV), au pair, tourism visa, or other options, finding the ideal choice is essential for a fulfilling gap year overseas.
The best places to dine around the world in 2024
Everyday life
The best places to dine around the world in 2024
Like every year since 2015, La Liste released its list of the best restaurants of 2024 last November. Where to eat the best dishes while abroad this year? Find out in this article.
How to navigate medical consultations when moving abroad
Health system
How to navigate medical consultations when moving abroad
In practice, expatriates are no longer covered by their home country's health system but by that of their host country. What does this mean in terms of healthcare? Are they obliged to consult a doctor in the host country, or can they still be monitored by their doctor remotely? How to choose wisely?
Beyond the postcard: Navigating the realities of being an expat in Canada 
Everyday life
Beyond the postcard: Navigating the realities of being an expat in Canada 
Is the dreamland of immigrants losing its shine? Many expats say living in Canada is far from the postcard scenes. Others put things into perspective – living well in Canada is possible as long as you follow a few essential steps. In short, the journey to a successful immigration can be long and tedious. So, what does it take to live well in Canada? What are the pitfalls to avoid?
Labor shortages and in-demand jobs: Key considerations for prospective expats
Labor shortages and in-demand jobs: Key considerations for prospective expats
On the one hand, many sectors are experiencing significant labor shortages. On the other hand, entry requirements in certain countries can slow down the recruitment of international workers. Therefore, equivalence or recognition of diplomas, tests, competitive examinations, etc., become important considerations for prospective expats.
International career: Is a lack of experience a hurdle for prospective expats?
International career: Is a lack of experience a hurdle for prospective expats?
Labor shortages have marked 2023 and are likely to persist into 2024. Prospective expatriates view this as a chance to enter the global job market. But what should they showcase on their resume? Is lack of experience a hurdle in finding a job abroad?
How to deal with menstruation as an expat woman
Everyday life
How to deal with menstruation as an expat woman
You're moving abroad and wondering how to handle your period. What is the situation in your host country, from purchasing pads to medical treatment? Is there freedom of speech on this matter? Learn more about dealing with menstruation in a foreign country through testimonies from expat women.
Dual nationality: Recent evolutions around the world
Dual nationality: Recent evolutions around the world
Can dual nationality address the labor shortage? That's the question on the German government's mind. Meanwhile, the Netherlands is considering reforming its citizenship laws. What benefits come with having dual nationality?
What are the tax considerations for digital nomads?
What are the tax considerations for digital nomads?
According to the World Tourism Organization, the number of digital nomads has risen considerably ever since governments started issuing digital nomad visas. These workers now have a structured environment to carry out their work while being on the move. But what about tax considerations for digital nomads? How does living in multiple foreign countries affect their tax status?
Why are extracurriculars and leadership crucial in university applications?
Schools & studies
Why are extracurriculars and leadership crucial in university applications?
Stellar grades are not the only things that matter in applications to prestigious universities. Sure, having primarily As and Bs is important, but in a day and age where many applicants have near-perfect transcripts, showing community engagement, leadership skills, athletic and artistic achievements, and a proven interest in research is also important. Universities are looking for candidates with a personality that shines through their personal statements and with the potential to become researchers, creators, and high-level athletes.
Navigating success: Should I move abroad or pursue a career first?
Navigating success: Should I move abroad or pursue a career first?
This is a profound question indeed. One could rightly argue that merely traveling doesn't equate to "building a career." Undoubtedly, there are many interesting positions available locally. However, one might also contend that one or two trips overseas for "career-building" are worth it. The debate (regarding pollution and expatriate careers) resurfaces regularly, questioning the very concept of the value of work, the role of work in life, and the image of the expatriate.

Other Types

East Asian countries unveil their digital nomad visas
East Asian countries unveil their digital nomad visas
Digital nomadism has been a hot topic since the pandemic, catering to the new aspirations of professionals who want to work in a "vacation" setting. Countries benefit from this trend, too, and are looking to these new expatriates to boost their economies. In East Asia, two more countries are venturing into the digital nomad scene. Here's a closer look.
Where should you move for a career in AI?
Where should you move for a career in AI?
The boom in generative AI continues to transform the global job market. Companies around the world, especially the tech giants known as GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook (Meta), Amazon, and Microsoft), are increasingly investing in artificial intelligence. Even sectors seemingly distant from the digital world, such as accounting and legal firms, are getting involved. What job opportunities can you seize abroad? What studies should you pursue to succeed in AI?
Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
The Golden Visa has not had its final say. Despite the visa controversy, several countries keep relying on it to attract foreign capital. Let's discover which countries are relaunching or reforming the program and what has changed.
Attracting global talent: How the EU plans to solve its healthcare crisis
Attracting global talent: How the EU plans to solve its healthcare crisis
The European Union is in need of healthcare professionals. Although this isn't publicized within European institutions, a behind-the-scenes battle is clearly underway among various European countries. These countries are treading carefully, balancing more restrictive immigration policies with chronic labor shortages. What does this mean for medical professionals from around the globe?
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
For 30 years, EURES has been connecting jobseekers and employers across Europe. Launched in 1994, this European network of employment services has played a pivotal role in facilitating the free movement of labour within the EU, overcoming employment barriers, and promoting career opportunities across Europe. Check it out and learn more about what this service is about and how jobseekers and employers can benefit.
Immigration policy changes: Latest updates from Canada, UAE, Australia, Thailand, and more
Immigration policy changes: Latest updates from Canada, UAE, Australia, Thailand, and more
New visas aimed at attracting foreign talent are continuously being introduced as qualified professionals remain in high demand by countries that simultaneously tighten their immigration rules. The priority is clearly on highly skilled economic immigration. Here's a detailed look.