
Repatriation blues: Is there a curve for getting over it?
Everyday life
Repatriation blues: Is there a curve for getting over it?
Seasoned expats know that culture shock and homesickness are not an issue only when moving to a foreign country – they also happen when you move back to your home country. This has been termed “reverse culture shock” – moving back and finding a home that has changed or, on the contrary, remained too similar or static. How can you deal with the repatriation blues?
Doctor crisis in the UK: Who's leaving, why, and where to?
Doctor crisis in the UK: Who's leaving, why, and where to?
High levels of dissatisfaction among doctors in the UK are driving them to move abroad or consider doing so in the near future. This predominantly concerns young, UK-trained GPs who feel overworked, underpaid and undervalued. Their destinations of choice are other English-speaking countries, especially Australia, New Zealand and Canada, but many of them are also opting for the UAE.
Beyond the glamour: The reality of being a student abroad
Schools & studies
Beyond the glamour: The reality of being a student abroad
Being an international student is more than just an adventure; it's an opportunity to learn, grow, and lose yourself in the charm of foreign cultures. But don't be fooled by the Instagram photos that only show the highlights. Behind every snapshot is a brave student facing real daily challenges. Here's a look into international student life through several testimonials.
Lost or stolen passport? Here's how to recover it abroad
Lost or stolen passport? Here's how to recover it abroad
The passport is the most important document that expats and travelers have when abroad. Although it might sound cliché, it is the identification for most visitors from overseas, who can't just show their national identities for moving around, entering the country, or going to the hospital. Basically, they need a passport to do any administrative procedure abroad. Despite all the attention to not losing this precious document, sometimes it just happens, and travelers and expatriates must be aware of the measures they should take. 
Relocating your business internationally: Key steps and legal considerations
Relocating your business internationally: Key steps and legal considerations
Relocating your business to another country involves complex operations such as managing personnel, communication, and the physical relocation. What should you take, sell, or donate? What formalities are required?  
Buying property abroad: How to renovate your new home
Buying property abroad: How to renovate your new home
As an expat eager to settle in your new country, buying a home is a significant milestone. Before diving into decorating, it's crucial to plan your renovation project meticulously. Here's a comprehensive guide on what to consider when renovating a house abroad, along with practical advice and common pitfalls to avoid.
How living abroad transforms family bonds for expats
Everyday life
How living abroad transforms family bonds for expats
Moving to a foreign country changes you and alters family relationships. You are no longer the same as before, and your family changes, too. How do you find your new bearings? How do you accept the changes induced by these long-distance relationships?
Understanding expat stress: High burnout yet strong resilience
Everyday life
Understanding expat stress: High burnout yet strong resilience
An expat's life seems to be a constant game of push and pull. Working and living abroad offers unique opportunities for personal and professional growth and cultural immersion. But it is also filled with challenges: emotional, financial, and personal. So, what should expats do to find balance? And is it even achievable?
Reconnecting with home: How expats find comfort in familiarity
Everyday life
Reconnecting with home: How expats find comfort in familiarity
Moving abroad is a chance to build a new life. You get to learn a new language, meet new people, and adjust to a new culture. But with all the "new" around, some expats can't help but cling to the "old". For some, relocation makes them understand and appreciate the value of their home cultures in a way they never did before.
Embracing the veil: Top destinations where Muslim women feel welcome
Everyday life
Embracing the veil: Top destinations where Muslim women feel welcome
Combining a new life abroad while practicing your religion is not always straightforward, especially when you choose to wear a visible sign of your faith. It significantly depends on how open the host country is. Many Muslim women who choose to wear the veil say they are particularly sensitive to how their religion is received in a foreign country.  
What expats should expect from the world's most stressful airports 
What expats should expect from the world's most stressful airports 
Air travel can be stressful. You need to arrive early, check the size of your luggage, and go through customs. And then there are flight delays. But, apparently, some airports can raise your cortisol levels higher than others.  
How to handle a toxic work environment as an expat
How to handle a toxic work environment as an expat
Your expat life might be different from the dream you imagined in a poor workplace atmosphere with poor communication, excessive hierarchy, etc. There's a rift between you and your company, and the toxic environment makes you reconsider your stay in your host country. How can you get through this? Here are some tips.
How to plan your move abroad with teenagers
How to plan your move abroad with teenagers
Rest assured: moving abroad with teenagers peacefully and cheerfully is possible. Forget all the worst-case scenarios involving "rebellious teens". Here are some practical tips for preparation, understanding their needs in the host country, and managing emotions to ensure smooth organization.
Why are more people choosing to live abroad?
Everyday life
Why are more people choosing to live abroad?
The COVID-19 pandemic and the seemingly endless global crises may have appeared to bury moving abroad plans, but today, expats are more than ever present. In fact, foreigners are in high demand in countries facing labor shortages. What does it mean to "move abroad" in 2024? Can we speak of a pre-and post-COVID reality?  
National Alert Systems: How to stay informed when living abroad
Everyday life
National Alert Systems: How to stay informed when living abroad
According to the United Nations (UN), the number of disasters worldwide is increasing each year. Expatriates may find themselves unprepared in emergency situations. Where and how can you obtain the latest information? How do you register for national foreign advisory services? Here are some practical tips.
How do expats benefit from the global flexwork boom?
How do expats benefit from the global flexwork boom?
Are we witnessing a flexwork boom around the world? From Singapore to the United Kingdom, via Spain, Iceland, Finland, and New Zealand, flexibility is being redefined and expanded internationally. This is a boon for expatriates and prospective expats.
Should you bring back or sell your belongings when returning home?
Should you bring back or sell your belongings when returning home?
You're finally heading home (or perhaps gearing up for a move to another country). As your departure date looms, you meticulously examine your possessions. The amount of items you gathered during your stay in your host country can be unexpectedly vast. Whether these items hold sentimental or monetary value—or none at all—you must decide whether to keep, sell, or donate them. Here are some practical tips.
Teaching abroad: These top countries are hiring now
Teaching abroad: These top countries are hiring now
Nurses and doctors, technology professionals, skilled manual workers—these are some professions that have experienced global labor shortages in recent years. In many countries, elementary and high school public teachers are also increasingly in demand. Because of the difficulty in hiring or retaining local teachers, schools are turning to the recruitment and even training of expat teachers.

Other Types

Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
The Golden Visa has not had its final say. Despite the visa controversy, several countries keep relying on it to attract foreign capital. Let's discover which countries are relaunching or reforming the program and what has changed.
Attracting global talent: How the EU plans to solve its healthcare crisis
Attracting global talent: How the EU plans to solve its healthcare crisis
The European Union is in need of healthcare professionals. Although this isn't publicized within European institutions, a behind-the-scenes battle is clearly underway among various European countries. These countries are treading carefully, balancing more restrictive immigration policies with chronic labor shortages. What does this mean for medical professionals from around the globe?
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
For 30 years, EURES has been connecting jobseekers and employers across Europe. Launched in 1994, this European network of employment services has played a pivotal role in facilitating the free movement of labour within the EU, overcoming employment barriers, and promoting career opportunities across Europe. Check it out and learn more about what this service is about and how jobseekers and employers can benefit.
Immigration policy changes: Latest updates from Canada, UAE, Australia, Thailand, and more
Immigration policy changes: Latest updates from Canada, UAE, Australia, Thailand, and more
New visas aimed at attracting foreign talent are continuously being introduced as qualified professionals remain in high demand by countries that simultaneously tighten their immigration rules. The priority is clearly on highly skilled economic immigration. Here's a detailed look.
Where are American expats moving for more affordable healthcare?
Where are American expats moving for more affordable healthcare?
The prohibitive cost of healthcare in the US is making Americans choose or consider expatriation. The latest research from the health policy NGO KFF shows that half of American adults struggle to afford medical care. It should come as no surprise that many are heading to Europe, where public healthcare systems tend to be more developed and well-funded. Others are opting for Latin America, where private healthcare is affordable for expats who earn in dollars.
UK immigration decline 2024: What it means for future expats
UK immigration decline 2024: What it means for future expats
One of the government's goals was to curb the rising trend of immigration by tightening the rules for prospective expats. April saw the introduction of new measures aimed at further filtering applications from foreign workers. What does this mean for those considering moving to the UK? Here's an in-depth look.