
How to choose an employer who values your mental health
How to choose an employer who values your mental health
Working abroad can be psychologically daunting. Culture shock, homesickness, different corporate norms, and even different weather can easily lead expats to depression and burnout. This is why it's important to choose an employer who values your mental health and has implemented workplace policies that give you a great environment to thrive in.
Why are expats increasingly interested in workations?
Why are expats increasingly interested in workations?
Workations are short-term or mid-term trips that combine work and holidays. They're an excellent solution for expats who can't afford to take a few weeks completely off work but do need a change of environment. The difference between “workations” and “digital nomadism” can be fuzzy, but it's generally assumed that digital nomadism tends to be more long-term. Many expats think that workations help them avoid burnout and make them more creative at work, but it can also put them under stress about how to manage their time and budget while doing two things at a time.
Why you should not stay in an expat bubble when moving abroad
Everyday life
Why you should not stay in an expat bubble when moving abroad
Finding fellow expats in a new country may be a dream come true — at first. However, if your expat circle prevents you from experiencing life in your new destination, you may want to start planning your escape. Here's what you should know.
Online banking or local banking: What's the ideal option for expats?
Banks and finance
Online banking or local banking: What's the ideal option for expats?
Managing your finances as an expat can sometimes be challenging. Fortunately, online banking offers a practical and beneficial solution for expatriates worldwide. In this article, we will explore the benefits of online banking and see whether required to open a local bank account in their host country.
Tips for navigating pregnancy and an international career
Tips for navigating pregnancy and an international career
You have just landed your dream job in the country of your choice and are elated. Isn't that exciting? But what if you suddenly learn that you're pregnant? Should such great news be a barrier to your move? What are the legal considerations regarding pregnancy, job interviews, and protecting pregnant individuals living abroad? Are there any risks involved in disclosing your pregnancy after being hired abroad?
Bedbug infestation in Paris: between psychosis and trauma
Bedbug infestation in Paris: between psychosis and trauma
It's all over the news: France, especially Paris, is said to be infested by bedbugs. In fact, since September, not only households but also cinemas, trains and underground trains in the French capital have been badly infested, as reported on social networks and in the media.
Salaries around the world: Things that may surprise expats
Salaries around the world: Things that may surprise expats
Every work deserves proper compensation. However, the most awaited income can be accompanied by more or less confusing factors. It can be hard to break down a payslip, especially for an expatriate. From payment dates to bank transfers and cash issues, here are the things that can surprise expats working abroad.
Which countries have the simplest tax systems?
Which countries have the simplest tax systems?
Taxation is perhaps one of the least attractive aspects of living abroad. Depending on the destination, filling taxes or working on a particular tax initiative can be simple or complex. It's not always easy to understand the tax jargon and the different people involved in the process. So let's have a look at some of the world's more straightforward to the more complicated tax systems for expats.
How international students choose their ideal study destination
Schools & studies
How international students choose their ideal study destination
The educational guidance company IDP Connect recently published its Emerging Futures 3 report. In it, they analyze which destinations international students prefer and why. Canada came out as a top favorite, followed by Australia, the US and the UK in that respective order. The quality of education, post-study work opportunities and safety emerged as the key factors in choosing a destination.
Reverse culture shock: How to reconnect with life in your home country
Everyday life
Reverse culture shock: How to reconnect with life in your home country
Returning home after a long time abroad can be a truly rewarding and much-awaited experience. However, it can also pose several distinct challenges, from reverse culture shock to even a new language barrier. Let's see what can be done to make the transition easier.
Schooling abroad: What expats should know about school uniforms
Schools & studies
Schooling abroad: What expats should know about school uniforms
Should students wear school uniforms? The subject is once again being debated in France. In most countries, uniforms are much more than just a question of clothing. They play a key role in promoting equality, the sense of belonging to a group and combating discrimination. In some countries, on the other hand, they are failing to combat inequality. So, which countries have made wearing school uniforms compulsory, and where is it no longer the norm?
Understanding diploma recognition abroad: What expats need to know
Schools & studies
Understanding diploma recognition abroad: What expats need to know
If you're planning to study or work abroad, have you checked whether your diploma or program will be recognized in your target country? Diploma recognition isn't necessarily the first thing that comes to our mind when we plan to move abroad for work or study. However, the non-recognition of your diploma or degree can have a particular impact on your plans.
Can bureaucracy be a hurdle for prospective expats?
Can bureaucracy be a hurdle for prospective expats?
Long waiting periods for obtaining your visa, a reply from the administrative services, or guidance to the correct department can be time-consuming and discouraging for prospective expats. Bureaucracy is a world apart, with each country having its own rules and contradictions, culture and way of functioning. It imposes certain restrictions on locals and expats, as well. But can excessive bureaucracy be a hurdle to moving abroad plans? We will try to answer this question in this article.
Are the most exciting jobs in the world made for expats?
Are the most exciting jobs in the world made for expats?
Have you ever considered getting paid for cuddling pandas, playing video games, testing amusement parks and sweets, playing a friend for a day, or being a guest at a party? These are often called "the most exciting jobs in the world". They are so much fun that it's hard to believe they actually exist. But can expats take up such jobs?
How to watch your diet as an expat
Everyday life
How to watch your diet as an expat
Moving to a new country can be an exciting and challenging experience, with many opportunities to explore a new culture and way of life. One of the most exciting aspects of settling into a new country is discovering the local cuisine. Trying new foods and flavors is a fantastic way to immerse oneself in a new culture and create lasting memories. However, with new cuisines come new challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. 
Cultural nuances around the world for expat women
Everyday life
Cultural nuances around the world for expat women
Approaching a passerby on the street, speaking up in a business meeting, negotiating a promotion, going out at night, developing your business, and interacting with men are things that may seem normal for women, but they can be significantly different in a foreign country. How do expatriate women deal with these cultural differences and subtleties?  
Unconventional careers abroad: Understanding challenges and opportunities
Unconventional careers abroad: Understanding challenges and opportunities
Moving abroad is an adventure in itself, but it takes on an even greater dimension when it comes to building an unconventional career in a foreign land. Whether you're looking for a career change, pursuing a dream, or a personal challenge, here are some pointers to help you get started in a foreign country.
Countries that require their citizens to give up on their medical insurance when moving abroad
Health system
Countries that require their citizens to give up on their medical insurance when moving abroad
Is health insurance compulsory for expats? In principle, expats are covered by their host country's system, but some prefer to set up a special fund in their home country. At a time when health insurers are tightening their belts, this question is being debated in Switzerland.

Other Types

How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
Everyday life
How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
We rarely consider our gut health and diet when moving abroad. Before leaving, our minds are consumed with travel preparations. The initial phase of expat life often coincides with a honeymoon period. Then comes the necessary adaptation, where daily life takes over. "The Expat Gut Health Survey: How Symptoms Can Impact Life Abroad," a study by Allianz Care, published on May 29, surveyed over 3,000 expats worldwide and unveils the link between gut health and quality of life.  
How can expats vote in the UK's upcoming general election
How can expats vote in the UK's upcoming general election
The current British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, called for a snap election on July 4. People were expecting the general election to happen in October or November, not in two months, reports the BBC. How can British expats abroad vote? And which expats in the UK have voting rights? Many Commonwealth and Irish expats in the UK are unaware that they are eligible to vote even if they don't have indefinite leave to remain.
How to open a bank account in Spain without being a resident
Caixa Bank
How to open a bank account in Spain without being a resident
Are you a foreign national and thinking of settling in Spain? Do you need a bank account but do not yet have a residence? With the HolaBank account, you can open a bank account in Spain without being a resident and enjoy all the benefits and services you need to manage your finances.
How immigration fuels countries' economic growth  
How immigration fuels countries' economic growth  
Despite tighter reforms in global powers, immigration remains a vital engine for growth. This is the conclusion of the latest report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on the issue. Let's break it down.
Why Australia, the USA and Canada remain top expat countries
Why Australia, the USA and Canada remain top expat countries
The latest trends in international mobility present a paradox. Restrictive immigration policies do not deter foreign applicants; on the contrary. The strong economic health of traditional lands of immigration and the positive image of economic powers are among the factors that encourage workers to try their luck abroad. Here's an analysis.
Why are more and more Canadians moving overseas?
Everyday life
Why are more and more Canadians moving overseas?
One of the top destinations for expats from around the world for decades, Canada continues to welcome foreign nationals despite its recent immigration reforms. However, a growing number of Canadians are choosing to move abroad. While this is not a new trend, it has been steadily increasing, which is quite troubling for a nation grappling with an aging population and seeking to retain its citizens. So why are more and more Canadians moving abroad?