Leisure - Expat Magazine

Planning your wedding away from home
Planning your wedding away from home
Did you move abroad and happened to find your soulmate in your host country? We are so happy for you! Now you deserve to have your dream wedding ceremony. So, whether you are planning your wedding in the place you are currently residing in or your partner's home country, look no further. Expat.com has composed a handy guide with everything you may have to consider before your big day.
Moving countries: Why I am more with less
Moving countries: Why I am more with less
I have always been very thoughtful about the things I own, and how I organise them in my space — whether it's the tiny studio in South Korea, the shared-flat in Ghana, or the two-floor house in Mauritius. I love change, and I see moving to a different country as an opportunity to reset my reality and rediscover myself; living abroad helps me look at things with fresh eyes and get rid of preconceptions. Packing is a big part of the whole moving process, and when you have to limit your belongings down to two suitcases, you reconsider the value of possessions. Here's how I learned to put my life on the scale and hit the 23 kg target.
The world's healthiest cities
The world's healthiest cities
Choosing your next destination involves different criteria including quality of life, environment, as well as facilities set up to ensure our well being. Which are the world's healthiest cities? Spotahome released its annual ranking of the world's healthiest cities according to water and air quality, green spaces, life expectancy at birth, work-life balance and accessibility of sports activities. Here's an overview.
The most attractive cities to Millennials
The most attractive cities to Millennials
Millennials demand flexibility at work, push off marriage until they have established their career and have become financially stable, and are more interested in experiences than homeownership. These digital, entrepreneurial, and well-travelled young people cherish change and are keen to take up the challenge of relocation. But where do Millennials flock to, and what are their criteria for liking a place? Nestpick, a global accommodation website, has ranked 110 cities based on professional opportunities, good quality of life, tolerance, and recreation. Here are the five most popular urban centres among Millennials for this year.
Top tips for enjoying a long-haul flight
Top tips for enjoying a long-haul flight
With the development of the commercial aviation industry, non-stop flights have become longer — no one could have imagined back in the 1950s that the journey from the UK to Australia which was made of nine layovers would become a 17-hour direct flight. As an expat, you are probably travelling more often than the average person; it's therefore important for your mental and physical well being to know how to manage discomfort during eight, ten, or seventeen hours of flying.
Five ways to celebrate your birthday in your host country
Five ways to celebrate your birthday in your host country
You are fresh in the expat way of living, and you are still trying to find your way around an unfamiliar place, new work ethics, and strangers. And, to top it all off, your birthday is approaching; but the idea of celebrating it is only intensifying emotions of homesickness and nostalgia for what your life used to be when you were surrounded by family and friends. We encourage you to look for the silver lining of your situation, and focus on the potential beneficent outcomes of your expat adventure — believe it or not, celebrating your birthday abroad is one of them. Read below to find out how you can have an epic birthday away from home.
Top five countries for soft power
Top five countries for soft power
A country's attractiveness is defined not only by its economic growth and political stability but also by many other factors such as engagement, culture, education, and innovation, among others. The Soft Power 30 index measures the performance of 30 countries based on these indicators. Expat.com gives you an insight into the top five countries for soft power.
An insight into the international travel and tourism industry
An insight into the international travel and tourism industry
The international travel and tourism industry largely contributes to the global economy, making for 10.2% (or about USD 7,6 trillion) of the annual global GDP. In 2016, the sector accounted for one in ten jobs on the planet, creating 292 million positions — a number which corresponds with the 1.2 billion international arrivals during the same year. While we have been used to North to North travel, outbound travel from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific is overgrowing. Here's an overview of a sector that generates high-quality employment opportunities, bridges people and cultures, and has the potential to promote the protection and restoration of our planet's ecosystem.
This month's expat blog: Hyggjaa
This month's expat blog: Hyggjaa
Izabella comes from Sønderjylland, in the South of Denmark, but has been travelling since she was five. After spending years in England, she met her prince charming and decided to move to Texas, in the USA when she turned 19. Hyggjaa, her blog, is about her wanderings, her struggles to find her place and her pursuit of the American dream. Have you ever wondered what life in the USA is all about? Find out through the adventures of a Danish country girl in Texas who spends her time between writing, acting, sailing, and her passion for music and photography.
How to stay safe in your host country
How to stay safe in your host country
It takes a lot of courage to move abroad, whether for personal or professional reasons. While moving overseas is an adventure in itself, safety is an essential factor to take into account, How safe are you in your host country? How would you react in case of any danger? Here are some tips on how to stay safe abroad.
The most beautiful countries in the world
The most beautiful countries in the world
The world is full of beautiful places, and every country has natural resources, historical, or archaeological sites to be proud of. However, some countries are more charming than others — they host indigenous animal species, have some of the most impressive UNESCO World Heritage sites, and boast diverse ecosystems of land and water. The World Economic Forum has ranked 136 countries based on their landscape, natural parks, fauna, and availability of outdoor tourism activities. We pulled the top five countries from the WEF's list and present them to you. Well, aren't they beautiful?
Where in the world you will enjoy city life to the fullest
Where in the world you will enjoy city life to the fullest
Whether you are a wholehearted urbanite, or you are about to move to a big city, here's a list of the top ten places in the world for a fulfilling city life. Time Out has surveyed 15,000 city-dwellers about the ways they have fun in their city, the cost of living, their lifestyle satisfaction, and the qualities of the people who surround them, and has composed a list of 32 inspiring cities. Expat.com is presenting to you the top ten most exciting cities to live in, where each day can be a new adventure.
The top 10 most expensive cities in the USA
The top 10 most expensive cities in the USA
A hefty salary doesn't necessarily mean that you can save a ton of money at the end of the month, or that you can afford big expenditure on leisure activities and luxury items. Cost of living has a direct impact on all of the above. Starting with the least expensive, we present to you America's ten most expensive metropolitan areas, where a six-figure annual salary for a family of three isn't enough for a comfortable lifestyle. After paying their taxes, debts, housing, and transportation, a family earning $100,000 a year is still struggling to get by in certain US cities.
Perks of being a solo expat
Perks of being a solo expat
It's never easy to move abroad alone, leaving your friends and family behind, regardless of the reasons for your expatriation. Even though the idea might seem intimidating at first, being a solo expat has many benefits you perhaps have not even thought of. To help you get started, Expat.com lists some of the perks of being a solo expat.
From Canada to Patagonia for an eco-friendly lifestyle
From Canada to Patagonia for an eco-friendly lifestyle
Born in the Fraser Valley, close to Vancouver, Sharilyn spent some 20 years in Calagary where she worked with the Red Cross before setting up her own consultancy company. Six years ago, she chose to move to Argentina where she got the opportunity to develop an eco hotel inside a wildlife reserve. Sharilyn speaks to Expat.com about her daily adventures in Patagonia and everything she likes about the country, from the amazing landscapes to the warm and friendly people.
Six green cities you should consider moving to
Six green cities you should consider moving to
Once you have settled abroad, whether alone or with your family, you might find yourself wondering how to spend your time. Is there a better feeling that reconnecting with nature to become a mindful expat and, at the same time, rid yourself of the stress that comes with moving? To help you discover and enjoy your host country's natural wealth, here is an overview of the world's greenest cities, including parks, gardens, woods, and forests, according to TravelBird Index 2018.
Best countries for the wine lover expat
Best countries for the wine lover expat
Wine tasting at a picturesque winery is an excellent unwinding and invigorating experience, and you don't have to be a leisure traveller to enjoy it. If your expatriation journey has taken you to one of the world's most astonishing landscapes in the USA, Portugal, Australia, South Africa, France, or Spain, you are fortunate because you can indulge in the country's rich wine heritage at any time.
July's most anticipated festivals around the world
July's most anticipated festivals around the world
July is this time of the year when culture is cherished with festivals and special events around the globe. If you are the expat who wishes to have fun, but not in the usual Friday-night-out-way, and you are looking forward to mingling with locals and other international crowds, check Expat.com's calendar with some of the world's best festivals in July. Don't fret; if you cannot find your host country on the list, consider travelling to the nearest destination to get the party started.