Leisure - Expat Magazine

Unique New Year's traditions around the world
Unique New Year's traditions around the world
Whether with family, friends, or on your own, the transition to the new year is a unique and often awaited moment. From South Africa, France, China, to Spain, each country has its own traditions and its own way of celebrating the New Year's eve. But does everyone celebrate the New Year on January 1? Between customs, challenges, rituals and history, here is an overview of some unique New Year traditions.
Do's and don't for expats for the end-of-the-year celebrations
Do's and don't for expats for the end-of-the-year celebrations
As 2022 ends, most expats are gearing up for the holiday season. What should you look out for if you're away from home? What are the best practices for expats? From local invitations to parties and nightclubs, here are some tips for enjoying the holiday season as an expat.
Expats' Christmas celebrations away from home
Expats' Christmas celebrations away from home
Living abroad has a lot of perks and drawbacks, especially when it comes to end-of-year celebrations. For many, it is often not easy to return home for Christmas or New Year's Eve. And when you happen to be abroad for the first time, you obviously need to be well prepared. Expats who will be celebrating Christmas and the New Year away from home shared their thoughts with Expat.com.
Things solo expats can do during the holiday season
Things solo expats can do during the holiday season
Are you a solo expat, and you don't know what to do in your host country during the festive season? Or maybe you are just not keen about the phone calls and wishful thinking messages you might be getting from anxious relatives, especially with their night-time videocalls. Anyways, don't panic! Here are some ideas for spending the holiday season alone abroad with stars in your eyes.
Traveling home for Christmas: Expats' stories
Traveling home for Christmas: Expats' stories
Christmas and New Year's Eve are just around the corner! For many expats, this means returning to their home country to spend this traditional time of year with family and friends. As a matter of fact, every year, airports around the world are packed with expats, with their luggage full of gifts for their loved ones. 
World Cup 2022 vibes with expats in Qatar
World Cup 2022 vibes with expats in Qatar
More than a week after the kick-off of the 22nd edition of the World Cup, tension mounts as teams struggle to secure their place in the Round of 16. For some, it is already the end! Others have made sure to get through their final group matches. Here's how expatriates and visitors in Qatar are experiencing the "World Cup" vibes.
These are the best Christmas markets across Europe
These are the best Christmas markets across Europe
When we talk about the holiday season, we certainly think of the sumptuous European Christmas markets where the magic happens. Although their origin is not precisely known, they are often associated with Northern European countries as it is estimated that the first ones appeared around the 14th century in Germany and Alsace. Here is our selection of the most popular and anticipated Christmas markets in Europe, some of which start much earlier than you think!
Countries that enable international adoption
Countries that enable international adoption
Are you an expat or planning to move to one of the following countries while considering to start a family in a non-traditional way? Adoption is another way to create a loving family by welcoming a child that couldn't be raised by its birth parents. However, many are disheartened due to the lengthy and expensive adoption process. Expat.com has made a list of the countries that encourage international adoption and support applicants in every step, making the process smoother and less costly.
Expats have their end of year plans: will they be able to make it? 
Expats have their end of year plans: will they be able to make it? 
Living abroad as an expat might bring its benefits and opportunities, but when it comes to the end of the year, some general concerns arise over Christmas and New Year's celebrations. Where to go? With whom should one celebrate? But now, amidst the pandemic, it is more challenging: will expats be able to go back to their home countries or travel for tourism?
Christmas dishes you should try as an expat
Christmas dishes you should try as an expat
Christmas is a special and expected holiday for many to be around family and friends, but also for eating well with traditional foods. From turkey to sprouts, and chicken stews to pan d'épices – whatever festive feast expats are cooking this Christmas, they might be looking to eat, drink and be merry with local festive recipes, or they will even fancy trying international ones. Therefore, we compiled 7 Christmas dishes ideas for expats with alternatives for vegans. 
How to get in the mood when your expat country celebrates the New Year differently
How to get in the mood when your expat country celebrates the New Year differently
The traditions around New Year vary around the world. You can discover them through travelling, but living in a country with a different culture as an expat can be a confusing yet exciting experience, as you can learn a new culture and broaden your worldview. So how to approach a culture that is so different from yours when you seem to be “trapped” celebrating in a place with different ideas of fun? 
Tips for celebrating Christmas away from home
Tips for celebrating Christmas away from home
Being an expat is a fun adventure, but even the biggest travellers can feel homesick. The warmth and the smells of being back to the place you grew up cannot be exchanged with anything else in the world, and what better time to experience them than during the Christmas holidays.
Explore: Black River National Park
Explore: Black River National Park
A dip in cool water? A tough track for an early morning trail? A little picnic in a beautiful natural spot? Or just a nap in a clearing in the middle of the forest? You will find everything you need at the Black River Gorges National Park. We take you on a tour.
Favorite expat movies for the festive season
Favorite expat movies for the festive season
Movies can cheer you up if you're having a hard time away from your loved once during this festive season. Unable to go shopping or dine out as you would have wished to? No problem. Jerry Nelson, our expat guest blogger, has selected some of the best expat movies to cheer you up.
End of year celebrations: How to host an online party
End of year celebrations: How to host an online party
Thanksgiving is celebrated this Thursday 26th of November in the United States. This celebration kickstarts the end of year celebrations in this country. And soon the world with follow with Christmas and end of year gatherings, albeit online because of the pandemic. Here are a few tips for planning your online parties.
Eight great cities for walking and biking
Eight great cities for walking and biking
If you're about to relocate to a new city, you're probably wondering how you'll get around every day. Not everyone likes ​​taking the bus or the metro daily, whether for the work commute, grocery shopping or leisure. Having a car may not be the ideal solution in your new city. To help you make the best choice, here is an overview of the world's best cities for walking or cycling.
Which cities offer the best cultural experience for expats?
Which cities offer the best cultural experience for expats?
Finding better quality of life and the possibility of discovering new cultures are very often the things that motivate people to move abroad. So where will you get the best cultural experience as an expat? Have a look at the world's most culturally rich cities.
Going home for the holidays during the COVID-19
Going home for the holidays during the COVID-19
“The hardest thing was not being able to hug my grand-mother”. Lucrezia, an Italian expat living in Scotland managed to fly home for the holidays this summer. She tells us about how different visiting home in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis was.