Health - Expat Magazine

5 tips for leading a healthy expat life
5 tips for leading a healthy expat life
To make the most of your expat project, it is very important to stay healthy in your host country. Depending on where you are settling, there are different health risks to consider and preventive measures to take. For example, in Ghana, you should beware of malaria and in the UK of colds and the seasonal flu. However, we have composed a universal guide to good personal health. So stop procrastinating your new healthy routine and enjoy your expatriation while you are in the best of health.
What defines wellness for expatriates?
What defines wellness for expatriates?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. What about wellness, especially when you're living thousands of miles away from your home, your family, and everything that used to be part of your everyday life? had a look at how expatriates define wellness according to a study carried out by Aetna International insurance.
Why purchase international health insurance
Why purchase international health insurance
Regardless of the duration and purpose of your stay abroad – whether you're on a professional assignment, going to study, retiring, or simply visiting for an extended period of time – being insured internationally can be really helpful. gives you six good reasons to subscribe to an international health insurance, especially if you're moving with your family.
How to choose the right expat health insurance
How to choose the right expat health insurance
No one wishes to get sick or find themselves in an emergency when living abroad. However, emergencies and accidents do happen, and no one is immune to things going wrong. So, choosing the right type of expat health insurance should be one of your main concerns if you're moving overseas. But how can you choose the best health insurance plan for you and your family without spending a fortune? gives you some tips on choosing your expat health insurance wisely, and securing a good health! 
The biggest challenges of global mobility
The biggest challenges of global mobility
For the three-quarter of those who have chosen to move overseas for better prospects, healthcare, education, and well-being, global mobility seems to be a good thing. But does moving abroad mean that your life will be a cinch? The 2017 Cigna 360 ° Well-being Survey gives an insight into the main concerns of people living abroad.
5 good reasons to move to Cape Town
South Africa
5 good reasons to move to Cape Town
You have opened Google maps, and you are scrolling the globe, up and down, left and right, looking for an answer to “what's next?” If you are ready to expatriate and you are keen on taking up a new challenge, we are giving you five excellent reasons to consider Cape Town — South Africa's Mother City.
The best destinations for the outdoorsy expat
The best destinations for the outdoorsy expat
Many expats are keen to move to urban centres or popular beach destinations, but where should you move to if you love the outdoors? From mountain climbing and hiking to swimming and diving, there is somewhere to suit your lifestyle and adventurous spirit. We've found what we think are ideal destinations for different outdoorsy types.
The top 5 healthiest countries
The top 5 healthiest countries
Where should you go to keep in shape and prolong your life with a healthy lifestyle? Even if the health bug hasn't bitten you, you may want to move somewhere that will encourage you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We look at the top five healthiest countries according to Bloomberg's 2017 Index.
A detailed view of Russia: Through the eyes of a French expat
A detailed view of Russia: Through the eyes of a French expat
Diane's never-ending passion for new cultures brought her abroad years ago. Originally from Paris, Diane spent a few years in England before moving to Russia in 2013. For her, Russia is a land of opportunities – both at personal and professional levels. She shares her loving feelings for Russia with
Tips to ensure good mental health when moving abroad
Tips to ensure good mental health when moving abroad
While you might think of joining a gym or a sports team to keep your body in good health when you move abroad, mental health often gets overlooked. While an emotional toll is to be expected, you can take some steps to keep your mind healthy and positive during a potentially tumultuous time.
Learn how to succeed in your job abroad
Learn how to succeed in your job abroad
Moving abroad for work can be a challenging experience. Even if you are excited about the prospect of adventure, you should bear in mind what is involved in expatriating to another country for your career. We have some advice on making your professional expatriation a success.
Where to move for a fulfilling retirement
Where to move for a fulfilling retirement
Retiring abroad is a growing trend among expatriates who – after a long and successful career – feel the need for change. While it can seem to be a challenge for some, it can also be a great opportunity to enjoy better conditions and quality of life. gives you an insight into the best countries for a fulfilling retirement.
Global talent: International employees in demand
Global talent: International employees in demand
International companies are keen on hiring employees to work abroad on long-term contracts or specific projects, and the response they receive from the candidates is rather engaging. But what are multi-national businesses looking to achieve with this practice? And why are people willing to go through the inconvenience of relocation for work? AXA, a global insurance company with 107 million customers all over the world, has asked these and more questions to senior directors in charge of global mobility at 250 multi-national companies in eight countries and to 372 people in 11 countries who are working on international assignments. discusses the findings of this survey on global mobility.
Healthcare: Comparing different systems
Healthcare: Comparing different systems
Healthcare is an important consideration if you are thinking about moving abroad, and it is nice to know there is a good system in place, should anything untoward occur. The Commonwealth Fund has assessed the healthcare systems of eleven developed nations in order to compare the top ten with last place US.
International Yoga Day: A healthy mind in a healthy body
International Yoga Day: A healthy mind in a healthy body
While the yogis around the world are taking their positions on International Yoga Day, speaks to Nathalie, a body and mind yoga and fitness instructor, about the benefits of yoga and her decision to move to Mauritius. After having lived in Belgium, France, Spain and Singapore, Nathalie decided to come to Mauritius and discover her roots while she's praising a holistic approach to health and life.
How to choose the best expat insurance
How to choose the best expat insurance
If you are getting ready to move abroad, preparation is key, and part of that is insuring against the unforeseen. From your health to your belongings, you will need to find the right kind of insurance to protect against any accidents or unpredictable events. Before you part with your money, make sure you are thoroughly informed of the available options.
Dream big and work hard: A Filipino couple in Qatar
Dream big and work hard: A Filipino couple in Qatar
Have you ever imagined starting a new life abroad without anything set in stone? No job or an employer awaiting for your arrival, no accommodation sorted, but with the only thought in mind that you have to make it work. Lenny and her husband from the Philippines dared to do exactly this -- to take the risk and to dream big. And you will be happy to know that they made it! Let's hear their inspirational story as shared with
Flying with your baby
Flying with your baby
We are on the move more than ever — international air travel is commonplace and drives job opportunities, economic growth, cultural exchange, and leisure. As a result, we nurture a generation of frequent fliers who start to take off shortly after their birth. No matter how much you enjoy flying, if you are about to board a long-haul flight with your baby or a very young child, we understand it to be a whole different (and stressful) story. But, with some serious preparation (and good luck), flying with an infant can go smoother than you ever thought! Let's find out how.