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Countries with the highest standard of living
Countries with the highest standard of living
Every year, the UNDP's (United Nations Development Program) Human Development Index ranks countries according to the quality of life they provide, taking into account factors like life expectancy, expected and mean years of schooling, as well as gross national income per capita. If you're looking to move abroad, gives you an insight into five countries with the highest standard of living and where you're likely to thrive at a professional and personal level.
The best countries to retire in
The best countries to retire in
Today, more and more seniors are looking to retire overseas. Many countries are attracting retirees from around the world by providing not only a high standard of living and quality of life but also a range of financial benefits. gives you an insight into the best countries to retire in according to the Global Retirement Index 2018 by Natixis.
The world's healthiest cities
The world's healthiest cities
Choosing your next destination involves different criteria including quality of life, environment, as well as facilities set up to ensure our well being. Which are the world's healthiest cities? Spotahome released its annual ranking of the world's healthiest cities according to water and air quality, green spaces, life expectancy at birth, work-life balance and accessibility of sports activities. Here's an overview.
The most attractive cities to Millennials
The most attractive cities to Millennials
Millennials demand flexibility at work, push off marriage until they have established their career and have become financially stable, and are more interested in experiences than homeownership. These digital, entrepreneurial, and well-travelled young people cherish change and are keen to take up the challenge of relocation. But where do Millennials flock to, and what are their criteria for liking a place? Nestpick, a global accommodation website, has ranked 110 cities based on professional opportunities, good quality of life, tolerance, and recreation. Here are the five most popular urban centres among Millennials for this year.
Six of the world's most liveable cities
Six of the world's most liveable cities
Moving abroad is often motivated by the quest for better living standards. Like every year, the Economist Intelligence Unit publishes its Global Liveability ranking based on a range of criteria including stability, education, healthcare, infrastructure, culture, and environment. To help you choose your next destination, gives you an insight into six of the world's most liveable cities.
An insight into the international travel and tourism industry
An insight into the international travel and tourism industry
The international travel and tourism industry largely contributes to the global economy, making for 10.2% (or about USD 7,6 trillion) of the annual global GDP. In 2016, the sector accounted for one in ten jobs on the planet, creating 292 million positions — a number which corresponds with the 1.2 billion international arrivals during the same year. While we have been used to North to North travel, outbound travel from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific is overgrowing. Here's an overview of a sector that generates high-quality employment opportunities, bridges people and cultures, and has the potential to promote the protection and restoration of our planet's ecosystem.
How to stay safe in your host country
How to stay safe in your host country
It takes a lot of courage to move abroad, whether for personal or professional reasons. While moving overseas is an adventure in itself, safety is an essential factor to take into account, How safe are you in your host country? How would you react in case of any danger? Here are some tips on how to stay safe abroad.
Which are the best countries to raise kids
Which are the best countries to raise kids
Choosing your next destination, whether you're moving with your family or planning to have kids abroad, involves a lot of reflection. Children's rights and your responsibilities as parents; the environment; as well as access to education and healthcare are some of the criteria to be considered. gives you an insight into the world's most child-friendly countries according to a study by KidsRights, an international NGO.  
Which nations are the most beauty-obsessed?
Which nations are the most beauty-obsessed?
A lot of money is spent worldwide on purchases which accelerate one's self-confidence, appearance, and sense of superiority and prestige. According to the Bank of America Merrill Lynch report conducted a couple of years ago, vanity capital (or the money spent on beauty products and services) is estimated at about 4.5 trillion American dollars! How much attention does your expat destination pay to new shades of lipstick, anti-ageing creams, health supplements, and youth elixirs?
World Population Day: How is the population changing
World Population Day: How is the population changing
Today, the world is celebrating 50 years since the International Conference of Human Rights took place in 1968, when for the first time, family planning was recognised as a human right. Thus, on World Population Day, looks into the state of the world's population to better understand the implications on the environment, gender equality, and wealth distribution. Find out whether your host country is home to megacities, a rapidly growing population, or an ageing population.
The expat's guide to earthquakes
The expat's guide to earthquakes
Earthquakes are some of the most powerful and unpredictable natural phenomena, which occur underground due to the release of energy when two blocks of rocks (plates) are pushing against each other and eventually break. Although earthquakes can happen anywhere on the planet, there are some countries which are more vulnerable due to their location near or within seismic zones. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on earthquake forecasts yet, but being prepared for an emergency situation can be life-saving.
How trustworthy are the institutions of big expat destinations?
How trustworthy are the institutions of big expat destinations?
For the 18th year in a row, Edelman has published the latest trust and credibility survey, which measures the population's trust in institutions and sectors in 28 countries around the world. The most common worries among international respondents are fake news and the lack of credibility of media organisations, which are the least trusted institutions for the first time in the Trust Barometer history. On the other hand, the opinions and knowledge of journalists, analysts, and entrepreneurs are gaining credibility among the general population.
The most compelling reasons you should move to Germany now
The most compelling reasons you should move to Germany now
Are you trying to decide on your next expat destination as a digital nomad? Or have you just been offered a job in Germany, and you wish to know more about your future host country? Germany is split into 16 federal states, each of which has its policies and laws regarding education and culture. Europe's largest economy is a major exporter of heavy equipment, vehicles, and chemicals, and has a highly-skilled labour force. Despite the low fertility rates and increase in immigration, Germany can still afford a generous social welfare. shares the top reasons you should move to the country of Goethe, Bach, and Beethoven.
Tips for expecting expat parents
Tips for expecting expat parents
Pregnancy can be a fascinating process yet a very stressful one. Preparation is key to ensure a smooth and uneventful birth and to welcoming your child merrily. Delivering in a foreign country can cause further anxiety due to the many unfamiliar circumstances. Check out our compiled guide to giving birth abroad, and get organised well in advance for the most important event in your life.
An expat's guide to life in highly polluted cities
An expat's guide to life in highly polluted cities
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has published a report with the most polluted cities in the world based on several-years thorough research. Ideally, the safest way to fight pollution is to prevent it via political, economic, and environmental measurements. However, if you are an expat in a country with high levels of pollution, there are some easy actions you can take to help your body cope with the added stress. But not all cities are polluted — smaller and more conscious cities are offering a healthy environment to their inhabitants.
Tips on how to cope with sickness abroad
Tips on how to cope with sickness abroad
Struggling with a chronic health condition or having found yourself coping with a sudden illness is tough as it is, and sometimes can be a rather lonesome path. Depending on one's personality and type of sickness, a health condition can prevent us from living life as fully as we would like to. However, some of the best ways (other than our positive attitude) to get through sickness are to have a reliable support system and to trust the environment we are in. Thus, managing illness while living abroad can be a double challenge, especially when we are new to our host country or we are in a country where the healthcare is lacking.
The most family-friendly expat destinations
The most family-friendly expat destinations
In spite of the fact that families around the world have unique structures and are affected by different socio-economic environments, they are the basic unit of every society. On the United Nations' International Day of Families, presents the best countries to raise a family, as revealed by the latest HSBC Expat Explorer survey. Find out where you get high-quality childcare, education, and healthcare to secure a glowing future for your family.
Where in the world are the happiest people?
Where in the world are the happiest people?
This year's World Happiness Report links together the happiness of two groups of citizens — the migrants and the local people — and assesses how the levels of happiness of each group interact and affect one another. In the past 25 years, international migration has raised by 91 million people. Reportedly, migrants are more productive at work, earn higher income, and feel safer in the host country. But which countries lay the groundwork for a happy life for migrants and locals alike?