Housing - Expat Magazine

What you need to know before buying property overseas
What you need to know before buying property overseas
Buying property is an interesting option for expats looking to make a long stay overseas. However, various factors including real estate prices, and supply and demand, have to be taken into account before taking such a big step. Today, most of the top expat cities are unaffordable regarding real estate. Whether you've chosen to move to Europe, Asia, North America, or Oceania, here's an insight into the global real estate trends according to the UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index 2018.
The most visited cities around the world
The most visited cities around the world
Today, travel and tourism play a significant role in the global economy. Some cities, however, are more attractive than others for various reasons including their historical and cultural heritage, availability of opportunities, as well as leisure activities for each and everyone. Mastercard's Global Destinations Index 2018 gives you an insight into the most visited cities around the world according to the number of international arrivals, the duration of stay and the amount spent by visitors. Discover the six most popular cities with Expat.com.
Awesome expat cities that aren't capitals
Awesome expat cities that aren't capitals
If you are a seasoned urbanite, most likely your eyes and personality are trained to find the beauty and unique characteristics in every city you live in. Of course, each place has its positive and negative aspects, but some destinations are closer to our heart. Here, we present five charming and contemporary cities around the world, which are not the capital cities.
From Dublin to Almada for the quality of living
From Dublin to Almada for the quality of living
Coming from Toulouse, Marine is a young wanderer at heart and lifestyle blogger. Following her stay in Dublin, she flies to Southeast Asia for a four months vacation with her husband. As an entrepreneur couple, their quest for new opportunities and a better quality of life lead them to Portugal. She talks to Expat.com about her expat experience and entrepreneurship in Portugal.
What to look out for when buying property overseas
What to look out for when buying property overseas
Buying property abroad as an expat can require more research, and may involve more risks than buying in your home country. You should start planning the purchase well in advance, do some research on formalities such as visa requirements for buyers and mortgage conditions, and get expert advice when necessary. Expat.com has put together a guide to finding and buying the right property for you, whether it's an investment solution, a holiday home, or a permanent residence.
The top 10 most expensive cities in the USA
The top 10 most expensive cities in the USA
A hefty salary doesn't necessarily mean that you can save a ton of money at the end of the month, or that you can afford big expenditure on leisure activities and luxury items. Cost of living has a direct impact on all of the above. Starting with the least expensive, we present to you America's ten most expensive metropolitan areas, where a six-figure annual salary for a family of three isn't enough for a comfortable lifestyle. After paying their taxes, debts, housing, and transportation, a family earning $100,000 a year is still struggling to get by in certain US cities.
Perks of being a solo expat
Perks of being a solo expat
It's never easy to move abroad alone, leaving your friends and family behind, regardless of the reasons for your expatriation. Even though the idea might seem intimidating at first, being a solo expat has many benefits you perhaps have not even thought of. To help you get started, Expat.com lists some of the perks of being a solo expat.
Millennials: Poorer than their parents?
Millennials: Poorer than their parents?
To understand how generations interact with one another, the Resolution Foundation, a British think tank, has convened an Intergenerational Commission. While generations share common living space — whether it is in the form of family or the broader society — the IC is studying how they can live better together, and how the younger population can be better off than their parents. Going beyond the unlucky timing of the global economic crisis, the side effects of which Millennials have felt the most, IC is trying to renew the social contract between generations.
World Population Day: How is the population changing
World Population Day: How is the population changing
Today, the world is celebrating 50 years since the International Conference of Human Rights took place in 1968, when for the first time, family planning was recognised as a human right. Thus, on World Population Day, Expat.com looks into the state of the world's population to better understand the implications on the environment, gender equality, and wealth distribution. Find out whether your host country is home to megacities, a rapidly growing population, or an ageing population.
From the sunshiny mediterranean to the icy northern Europe
From the sunshiny mediterranean to the icy northern Europe
Marietta from Greece started her expat journey seven years ago when she went to Denmark for her Master's degree and then to the Netherlands as a research assistant. Today, she is based in Kuopio, a densely populated city in Finland, famous for its beautiful forested area and Lake Kallavesi, which surrounds the town. After two and a half years in Finland, Marietta may still struggle with the cold weather, but she has found joy in outdoor activities and of course, her PhD. 
The cost of living in the world's biggest cities
The cost of living in the world's biggest cities
Besides career prospects, quality of life, environment, and safety and security, the cost of living is another significant issue to consider when planning your move abroad, whether alone or with your family. Which are the cities where you're likely to spend more regarding rent, food, transportation, and leisure? To help you choose the best destination according to your budget, Expat.com gives you an insight into the world's most expensive cities in 2018 according to the latest Mercer Cost of Living report.
6 tips for a successful house share abroad
6 tips for a successful house share abroad
Living in a shared house can be the best solution for solo expats who are keen on socialising, saving money, or both. Sharing accommodation can be as exciting and open-minding as expatriation itself — each of your housemates will probably teach you something about yourself that you didn't know and will introduce you to new experiences and habits (from making pizza dough and separating laundry by their type and colour, to recycling and watching international cinema). Thus, even if you don't live with like-minded people, you can establish harmony with your housemates, as long as there's willingness for respect, tolerance, good communication, and a good sense of humour.
The expat's guide to earthquakes
The expat's guide to earthquakes
Earthquakes are some of the most powerful and unpredictable natural phenomena, which occur underground due to the release of energy when two blocks of rocks (plates) are pushing against each other and eventually break. Although earthquakes can happen anywhere on the planet, there are some countries which are more vulnerable due to their location near or within seismic zones. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on earthquake forecasts yet, but being prepared for an emergency situation can be life-saving.
The active lifestyle of an expat family in Finland
The active lifestyle of an expat family in Finland
Paola, a wife and mother of two, lives and works in the tech sector in the capital area of Finland. Besides her full-time job, which she loves, Paola is a dedicated blogger. Today, she talks to Expat.com about her expat life as an Italian in the Nordic world, and her appreciation about Finland's natural beauty, as well as the country's socioeconomic security — aspects which nurture a happy family life.
From Brazil to Italy: Crossing borders hand in hand
From Brazil to Italy: Crossing borders hand in hand
After two and a half fulfilling expat years in Brazil's vast and hectic Rio de Janeiro, Charlotte from Manchester, UK and her Brazilian partner moved to Italy for studies. Starting anew, Charlotte, who is a seasoned traveller and expat, is determined to make the most of her time in Italy. Life in a small Italian town may be quieter, but not without its challenges and stories worth sharing.
Thriving abroad: The story of a forever expat
Thriving abroad: The story of a forever expat
Ute is a German (and Swiss) “expat-since-birth”, as she likes to call herself. She has lived abroad her entire life, and is currently living with her loving family in The Hague, Netherlands. Ute has moved to different countries several times for study, work, and to accompany her partner, and with every move she had to reinvent herself, to adapt, and to overcome the lows. However, every country has been an adventure she has learned from and an opportunity to thrive and move forward.
Designing a pretty life: From Guatemala to Finland
Designing a pretty life: From Guatemala to Finland
Omar is from Guatemala and arrived in Finland eleven years ago as the singer in a heavy metal band. Ever since, many things have changed — the group split up, Omar obtained the Finnish nationality, and he has created a loving family. Follow us on this exciting journey of a designer, musician, and avid traveller from Guatemala to Finland. 
From Strasbourg to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa
New Zealand
From Strasbourg to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa
Aby, arrived in New Zealand from Strasbourg on a Working Holiday Visa, grabbing the opportunity that the country offers to young expatriates who want to work in New Zealand with spare time to explore its beauty. There are many reasons why Aby chose New Zealand as her expat destination; one of them is the friendly and welcoming Kiwi people. She talks to Expat.com about the flexibility that the Working Holiday Visa gives you and the best things about New Zealand.