
dicey as things politically remain in the states, are there any ways to surmise if increasingly  there may be ticos who cast all gringos into the republican lot?  with prejudice esp if one looks typical as in fit white male neat clean cut etc,.  and what to do if so..  l know cr well many years a seasonal guest w good spanish. l know well enough asking my tico friends will result in polite denials, l need a way to convey l am anti trump.. in advance,, please do not reply as one, with a snarky response thanks very much

Ticos and ticas  just want you to be YOU.  Enjoy Costa Rica and don't sweat the small stuff. Pura Vida. ❤️

I don't think they care that much if you're a Trump supporter or not.
On the other hand I've yet to talk to a Tico who doesn't think Trump is an evil clown.