Best cities for retirement in Qatar

Hello everyone,

An increasing amount of people want to spend their retirement abroad. Would you consider giving a few tips to those looking into Qatar for their retirement?

What are the most attractive cities for retirees in Qatar?

Why are these the best cities in Qatar for retirement (quality of life, cost of living, climate, health, security, etc.)?

Are there any specific areas in Qatar where there are special retirement schemes or retirement-friendly residential areas?

Are there any activities suitable for retirees in Qatar?

Do you have any tips on where to start looking or how to choose a suitable city for one's retirement in Qatar?

If you have, yourself, chosen to spend your retirement abroad, please tell us what city you have chosen and why?

Please share your experience.


Straight to point, Doha is the suitable because its a center of all entertain, easy to move life activities and friendly people.
Accommodation is well facilitated with all possible means of quick and fast transport, water body view and many tourist attraction to take minds calm.

Its climate isn't that different but for its strategic location surrounded by more honey cities such as aspire zone and more.

If I was the one to take, I choose Doha because its the center of all. From Doha its quick and easy to connect to the rest. Its metro train stations connects direct to and from the attraction and greatful areas in different directions of Qatar.


Hi Bhavna,
people don't actually retire in Qatar. We are expats and we come here and work and once our contract are over or age has come we are asked to return to our relevant countries. Qatari nationals obviously retire here. if you have children here who are married to Qataris then that is another option, once you finish here they can sponsor you to live here in your retirement otherwise you have no option. My daughters are married to Qatari nationals but i still chose to return to Mauritius to retire.  I just set up a little coffee house and snack there is Mauritius getting ready ahead for the time when i will retire.
thanks bye