What´s the process like if you wanted to see a doctor here in Bogota?

If I wanted to just get a regular check up without having health insurance will it be a difficult process?

It should not be.  Most will be happy to accept cash.  You may pay a bit more than the going rate but it should still be inexpensive.

For instance you can get a physical exam for your license to drive, for around 150,000 COP give or take.  Precio a convenir (Price on request, price to be agreed upon).

If you do a search for
bogota examen medico
you'll get lots of hits including a map of clinics where you can schedule the exam.

https://www.google.com/search?q=bogota+ … p;ie=UTF-8

Nope go to a clinic and play out of 30 to 50 mil pesos.80 to 120.for a specialist.

Words/sentences to know on your first visit to a doctor's office or clinic....

I would like an appointment with a doctor.

Quisiera una cita con un médico.  (female: una médica)

Do you accept Visa card or do I have to pay in cash?

¿Aceptarían tarjeta de Visa .. o solamente efectivo/particular?

Do you have a pharmacy here that can fill this prescription?

¿Está una farmacia aquí para llenar esta fórmula/receta?

I don't see taxis outside.  Can you please call Easy Taxi for me?

No están taxis afuera.  Por favor a llamar a Easy Taxi para mi.

If one would like to establish a connection to a top hospital in Bogotá, you can find the Hospital Fundación Santa Fe among the list of 100 top hospitals in Latin America....

google:  top hospitals latin america webometrics

Naturally, one can google for the best hospitals in any of dozens of cities in South America via the Webometrics list.

Quisiera una cita con un médico para un examen rutina.

Me convendría una cita con un médico que habla ingles. 
It would suit me to have an appointment with a doctor who speaks English.

  -- cccmedia