Searching for agricultural sector business partners

My name is Dionisis Valmas, I am 40 y.o. from Greece, and with a group of friends, we are looking for business partners, opportunities and financing, in the agricaltural sector.
We have the nowhow regarding hydroponics, and we want to get away from Greece, and create a microgreens and salads  production unit in Norway. Additionally we want to use part if this unit for aquaponics and aeroponics research.
Also we have the nowhow on a hydroponics production unit of fresh grass animal feed (all year round free range food for poultrey and live stock ).
Finally, we have a lot of honey, olive oil, farm & fruit products, straight from Greek producers, in large quantities, for partnership with Norwegian wholesalers / importers.
Please any input or help, is much appreciated.

Hi Dionisis,

Could you please drop an advert in the Norway classifieds under the Business partners section ?  Members will be able to contact you directly.

Thanks in advance,

Thank you.