Español for Gringos

As you noted, we say "el alma".  Just as we say "el agua".  BUT plural, it is "las almas" and "las aguas" as in "las almas perdidas" (the lost souls) and "las aguas cristalinas" (the crystalline waters).

You may also hear expressions such as

ama de casa  =  housewife

almas gemelas  =  soul mates (literally, twin souls)

What about other iterations of 'ama'?

El ama?  Or... la ama?

Un ama?  Or... una ama?

It's el amo, but la ama. So it's also un amo, but una ama.

Please don't ask me to try to explain all the exceptions. Por favor...

Just accept them and remember that as far as exceptions and pronunciation goes, English is much worse...

Update:  A colombiana friend corrected me.  It is el ama, and un ama.

Four numbers with fours.

Can you spell out in Spanish

the following four numbers...

4, 14, 40, 400





cuatro, catorce (rah-TAWR-say),

    cuarenta, cuatrocientos

What a Gringo thinks it means.

Today's word is advertir.

What a Gringo thinks it means:  to advertise.

What advertir really means in Spanish:  to warn.

Words meaning 'to advertise' include:

anunciar, publicitar y hacer publicidad

Translating from English 'advertiser':  anunciante.

Fluency with special words.

The FluentU website has a post about some

unusual if commonly used Spanish terms.

Do you know what madrugar means?




madrugar  = to wake up early in the morning.

La madrugada is a noun, andrefers to

the overnight hours.


Who or what is a dominguero?




dominguero  =  a city dweller who goes out

          from the city to spend the weekend

          in the countryside.

It comes from the Spanish word for Sunday:



For more special words, visit

Several dichos utilizing forms of madrugar:

El que madruga, Dios le ayuda.

God helps the early riser.


No por tanto madrugar amanece más temprano.

For all your early rising, the dawn comes no earlier.

Do you know these common 'verbos'?

The following four words are on the list

of the 45 most commonly used verbs

in the Spanish language.

Do you know these 'verbos' or has there

been a hole in your knowledge?





to hear





to feel





to try or attempt





to save (money)


List of common Spanish verbs courtesy of

Confusing word pairs.

Change a letter of a word in Spanish

or English .. and you can completely

change the meaning.

Here are five examples in español...

pulpo, octopus .. and pulpa, pulp

caro, expensive .. and carro, car

cabello, hair .. and caballo, horse

mayor, old/older .. and mejor, better

cocer, to cook .. and coser, to sew


"Most confusing Spanish word pairs

of all time," c/o FluentU

Know your nouns.

What's the difference between

tasa, taza y tos?




tasa    =   fee, tax or rate




taza    =   cup or mug




tos     =    cough

Though it ends with an 's',

'una tos' =  a cough.

Feminine noun.

'Ataque de tos'  = coughing fit

'tos seca'     =  dry cough

Know more nouns.

What's the difference between

pila, piña y picas?




pila    =    battery;  can also mean 'sink'




piña    =   pineapple




picas   =  (playing cards suit) spades

'as de picas'  =-  ace of spades

What gets me are the verbs:  llegar;  llenar;  llevar, especially when some can have different meanings.

Know your 'verbos'.

Thanks for the set-up, Mr. Cox.

llegar     =  to arrive

llenar    =  to fill

llevar    =  to carry, or take as in take with you

What a Gringo thinks.

A Gringo thinks una racista is a racist,

and un bigote is the same thing.

In Spanish, the word racista does mean

a racist.

However, un bigote has nothing to do

with racism.  It means mustache.

(bee GOH tay)

Know your 'verbos.'

What's the difference between

cantar, callar y calmarse...




cantar means 'to sing.

callar means to be quiet or shut up.

calmarse means to calm down.

¨Calmate, vaquera, vamos a llegar en dos minutos.¨

Calm down, little cowgirl, we're going to arrive

in two minutes.

(The first syllable in 'calmate' should be accented,

and is not because of a technical issue with

the poster's keyboard.)

At the hotel.

For first-time visitors to South America, one of

the first challenges is to let staff at the visitors'

hotel know how they want things done.

How many of these words and phrases can

you translate to Spanish...

Please tell the chief housekeeper to change

the sheets every three days.

Favor de pedir a la ama de llaves

a cambiar las sabanas (o ropa de cama)

cada tres diás.

Between what hours is

breakfast available...

Entre cuales horas está disponible

el desayuno....

The water in the swimming pool seems

too hot for me.  Please have it climatized


El agua en la piscina me parece

demasiada caliente. Favor de

climatizarla correctamente.

The safe in the guest room is

stuck in the open position.

Have the engineer close it,


La caja fuerte en la habitación

esta atascada en la posición

abierta.  Mande al ingeniero

para cerrarla, por favor.

We need to go to the airport

immediately.  What forms of

transportation are available....

Se requiere ir de inmediato

al aeropuerto.  Cuales formas

de transporte están disponibles....

Dealing with food needs at the hotel.

Room service, this is Mr. Media calling

from 625.  Please send up two plates

of pasta with mushrooms.

Room service, Mr. Media llamando

de seis veinticinco.  Favor de mandar

dos platos de pasta con hongos.

What juices do you offer...

Cuales jugos ofrecen...

It's important to serve the sandwiches

on whole wheat bread.

Es importante a servir los sandwiches

en pan integral.

The plates and glasses from yesterday

are still in 625.  Please send someone

to clear them this afternoon.

La vajilla de ayer se queda en 625.

Favor de mandar a alguien para

despejarla hoy por la tarde.

@cccmedia Shouldn't sabanas be sábanas?

Yes, and 'sándwiches' should have had an accent

on the first syllable, too, as here.

My keyboard has been causing me problems with

the accent marks .. and I was wondering when it

would become obvious .. and who would spot it

first if it did.

You, Mr. Cox, take the prize -- which, of course,

is a virtual honor, as the rules of don't

allow for cash 'premios'.

In any event, congratulations, sir.

I have been able to finesse some of the accents,

but obviously, not all of them.  I hope to have

the laptop keyboard checked out in a few days

when my new computer battery arrives at

the Hunter Biden laptop repair shop

near Parque Kennedy in a few days.1f609.svg

cccmedia in Lima, Peru

Know your (plural) nouns.

What is the difference between

maneras, mentiras y mascotas...




maneras are methods or ways

mentiras are lies or falsehoods

mascotas are pets -- can also mean mascots

Know your (singular) nouns.

What's the difference between

vainita, vainilla y ventaja...




una vainita is a green bean or string bean

vainilla is vanilla

una ventaja is an advantage

What's the difference? (more nouns)

What's the difference between

cosa, costo y costa?




una cosa is a thing

costo means cost as in cost of a thing

la costa is the coast

capilla =  chapel (sometimes hood)

casilla  =  box

costilla = rib

cosquilla = tickle

Know your Spanish 'verbos'.

What's the difference between extrañar

and estrenar?

extrañar means to miss as in miss someone's

presence.  Another verb or phrase to say this is

echar de menos.

Extraño a mis amigos en Inglaterra. 

I miss my friends in England.

estrenar means to premier or to present

for the first time.  Can refer, for instance,

to the first showing of a film or a play.

Know your nouns.

What's the difference between

ganadero, ganador y ganancias?




ganadero means rancher or livestock

un ganador is a winner

ganacias are profits or winnings


and ganar = to win


I used the above word

(KAHL-mah-tay, meaning 'calm down')

in a normal speaking voice when a woman

tried to hurry me up while we were in

the process of deplaning off a

Lima-to-Quito flight.  I was

attempting to tie one of my shoes

before wheeling my 'maleta' to the


This one-word utterance triggered the

man accompanying her .. and he

attempted to confront me with

¨What's your problem?!¨, spoken in

English with a middling Spanish accent

as he walked past me.

I didn't respond and the situation did

not escalate.

However, in the week since then,

I gave it some thought, and, a la larga,

it came to me -- a softer word of español

to employ if someone is trying

to rush you to do something

or get out of their way.

That word is paciencia.

   -- cccmedia in Quito

Pronouncer.... pah-see-EHN-see-yah

Cálmate is the imperative, and further is in the tu mode which a stranger may not appreciate - it could be interpreted as if you were speaking to a child, scolding him.

Paciencia is a good alternative. You might also say tranquila (to her) or tranquilo (in general or to a male) which you will hear a lot - reminding one another in various situations, to just take it easy.

Know your Spanish nouns.

What's the difference between

moto, mono y moño?




moto  means motorcycle

mono means monkey

   (female monkey is mona)

moño  is a hairbun

Know your Spanish 'verbos'.

What's the difference between

callar, calar, y calarse?




callar means to be quiet or silent,

calar means to seep through or soak through.       

calarse means to get wet or get drenched.

Los tres amigos se calaron durante la tormenta.

The three friends got drenched during the storm.

Know your Spanish nouns.

What's the difference between

buho, buja y bruja?



buho means owl.

Note that the 'h' is silent .. BOO-oh.

There should be an accent mark over

the 'u'.  It is omitted in this post due to

a technical problem.

According to,

una buja is a seller of trinkets such

as inexpensive jewelry.  BOO-hah.

Una bruja is a witch.

Known more nouns.

What's the difference between

lata, lana y ladina?




una lata can mean a can or

          may mean tin (the metal)

lana is wool

una ladina is a sly fox (female)

un ladino is the male sly fox

Another word for fox is zorro.

Know your 'verbos'.

What's the difference between

elijir, exigir y emitir?




elijir means 'to choose'.

exigir means to demand or require.

La empresa exige que sus empleados

mantengan corto su pelo.

The company requires its workers

keep their hair short.

emitir means to emit or broadcast.


Tbe irregular verb meaning 'to choose' is

correctly spelled elegir.

First person singular, present tense, is

elijo. (I choose).

Second person, informal, meaning

'You choose' is eliges.

Google conjugate Spanish word

elegir if you want to go deeper with this

most irregular of Spanish irregular verbs.

It is possible that some of these tenses

or forms can be spelled correctly

more than one way.

Know your Spanish nouns.

What's the difference between

mes, mesa y mesero?




el mes means 'the month'.

la mesa is 'the table'.  It can also mean 'the plateau'.

mesero means waiter, as in a restaurant worker.

Masculine noun.

More Spanish nouns.

What's the difference between seno, cena y


seno  =  breast (anatomy)

               A chicken breast is pechuga.

cena  =  dinner

señora  =   madam

Singularity -- exceptions to the rule.

High school Spanish teachers make sure

their students know the rule that nouns

in the plural are preceded by las or los

and end with 's'...

  los libros (the books)

  las casas (the houses)

However, there are exceptions. We're

talking here about singular nouns that

end in an 's'.

Here are several examples...

el paraguas  (the umbrella)

la tiroides (the thyroid, anatomical term)

el as (the ace, as in card games)

(As  is a masculine noun.)

Know your Spanish verbs.

What's the difference between secar, sacar y socar?





secar   =   to dry

sacar   =    to take out, remove or extract

socar or zocar  =  to squeeze, compress or tighten

Más verbos.

What's the difference between rogar, rezar

y retar?





rogar  =  to beg

rezar  =  to pray

retar (a) =  to challenge

Él retó a su jefe.

He challenged his boss.

Spanish nouns.

What's the difference between físico, fiscal

y psicótica?





físico = physicist

fiscal  = prosecutor or district attorney

psicótica = psycho

Though it ends with 'a', psicótica can be male

or female.

Remember these are nouns. The adjectives

of similar spellings may vary in meaning.