Best flight to Germany?

By best I mean fast and economical.
Planning a vacation in Europe.
Is there any direct flight?
Alitalia? Lufthansa?

Thank you.




I think you'll find that for reasons beyond thier control the Luftwaffe stopped all flights from Tripoli in 1943.
However Lufthansa do a service to Dusseldorf

Thank you guys.

Sandman6 wrote:


Sandman that got me into a bit of trouble as the silence in my office was broken my laughter! :)

Afriqiyah goto Dusseldorf too. Good service, decent food. I was surprised how good they were.

Afriqiyah = cheapest fare and massive baggage allowance of 2 x 24 Kg bags per person.

+ the lowest crash possibility...

Sandman6 wrote:

Afriqiyah = cheapest fare and massive baggage allowance of 2 x 24 Kg bags per person.

I agree...  handy for stocking up on supplies.

lufthansa fligh also to frankfurt

bayburlu wrote:

lufthansa fligh also to frankfurt

Good to know. Thanks.