Healthcare in Florida

Hi. Can anyone advise me on what to do about getting a repeat prescription while in Florida. I take medication for blood pressure and will be spending 6 months a year in Florida so will at some point require a repeat prescription.

We have medical insurance cover for the time we will be there. Do I just register with a family doctor and ask him/her? Also would this be something I'd claim on my insurance or pay the doctor direct? Finally is it expensive?

Thank you

When I was spending a year abroad during college the advise we got was to take enough medication (in original packaging)  to last the whole year whenever possible. plus a doctor's note stating why we need the meds., how often to take them, and the breakdown of the active ingredients.

In case that is not possible. I am assuming your insurance is a travel insurance from home? You should ask the insurance what the policies are. In the cases where I had to use a travel insurance I paid all costs initially out of my own pocket and got it back from the insurance company later. The insurance company might also have preferred doctors or networks and you need to go to one of those.

Healthcare in the US is expensive. Last year I got a bill of over $1000 for a 5 min check-up in the emergency room after a car accident (insurance paid for it).