Looking for Residency Service

Looking for  Residency Service; preferably within Canada; and will be the "eggs in one basket" service; to help to move to Costa Rica.

I've searched; and feel that I'm looking at suspicious sites/companies.

Can anyone help.

@tjuckufarley.....These residency services are scams.That little voice inside you heard correctly...Here in Costa Rica one of the leading law firms for residency took off with clients money,closed the doors and destroyed them financially along with their dreams......You can find this story on 'Youtube',the law firm was 'Outliers Legal-Rafael Valverde'....And while your at it on Youtube,look at all the reels on "The Reasons and why Expats Only last 2-5 years in Costa Rica...

Is that really you in the photo?   It looks vintage

@rainagain.....Thank you for asking.....That is a photo of one of my favorite uncles..My father and his brothers starved to save money to be abled to have their clothes tailored made.I know,that picture just shows him from the tie up(1945)....Costarricenses in San Jose were very formal dressers at one time...It was a way to hide their poverty..

@edwinemora Outlier has just finished my residency before going bankrupt. The others turned out their prey. They used to be very good, although expensive. A person can do that himself if they are in CR. From abroad it is complicated.

@Henrych...Dear God,I am delighted that worked out for you ! They had a good run, their reputation was sterling for a long time.There is a lot of controversy( I am sure you heard about it) Rafa wife's suicide...

Greetings all, @Henrych, do you really think this is the place to talk about a mans wife and how she may have passed? Show some respect , if you want to gossip about his law firm have at it , but leave the passing of his wife off social media !

@mike sullo i guess you confused me with someone else. I didn't even know anything about the owner and his family....and i  never gossip, buddy.

@mike sullo.....I was the one that opened that can of worms,not Henrych !.......If you are that fragile,Costa Rica is not going to be your place.....In our beach town in Guanacaste the slogan is "Where American cars and marriages come to an accelerated end"

@edwinemora - Thanks for the heads up; I've been through tons of those "reasons not to move to Costa Rica" videos. However, by being born and raised in Africa for over 30 years; CR is  a paradise compared. Nothing has scared me away yet. In fact - I read a lot of your posts to try and see the worst that CR has to offer ..... nothing scares me yet.

Look at some crime; violence; financial; political; disease; and infrastructure issues/videos that Africa has; and you will truly appreciate where you live.


@tjuckufarley....Where you two are doomed is that 'you still need to work' to finance your stay in Costa Rica..That has been made clear in more than one of your posts.....The scripted apocalypse that you describe, that you are  running from in Canada( the rat-race, refugees,government ) will not change the fact that Costa Rica is for wealthy retirees......Costa Rica has a lot of common sense that North America can learn from....Can they not ?

For anyone considering a move to Costa Rica, the best advice is to bring your money with you, or to be able to rely on a steady source of income such as U.S. Social Security. It's true that you can work remotely, via the Internet, if you can settle where Internet access is fast and reliable. Otherwise, working in the local economy is a fool's errand.

No tourist or temporary legal resident can legally compete with any Costa Rican citizen for a job. If you get caught, it's a one-way ticket home. A prospective employer can apply for a work permit on your behalf, but the likelihood of success is low and the process can take a very long time.

As compared to first world countries, the wages in Costa Rica are laughably low. While you may find a full-time job, it's not likely to support you in the manner to which you aspire to become accustomed.

You can open a business, but you may not actually work in that business. You can direct the work of others, but if you open a restaurant, for example, you cannot cook, clean, wait on or bus tables, or any other form of labor. That's all reserved for Costa Ricans.

Bottom Line: Bring your wealth with you.

@edwinemora - You seem to read incorrectly "between the lines", yes; I do "need" to work. To spell this out for you and dumb this down a littel ..... (please read slowly and methodically to soak this in) . wee R a relutivly yung kupple; cumming wth all the munny we need 2 servive. But 2 yung 2 just sit on a porch until the end of days. I need 2 werk so that I dont get too bored with life. At the risk of offending sum, i need 2 keep buzy, weatha that means for a buk or 2; or vollunteering to doo sumthing. The first 3 yers or so will bee the hunnymoon period; and we will have had kwite our fare shair of stairing at the sunrizes and sunsets. Wee r motvaited too keep mooving and don't want too land up in gods waiting room too soon with a numba tiket in our handz. So if not adveturing off 2 sumware dooing stuff - we want 2 werk.

tjuckufarley, I understand your need to keep busy, but paid work is pretty much out of the question. There are, however, plenty of meaningful volunteer opportunities. If you have particular interests (children, reforestation, wildlife, etc), it would be well to investigate those from afar, via the Internet, before deciding where to pitch your tent. Had Marcia and I sought out such opportunities before we moved here, we would not have settled in Grecia.

@daveandmarcia - fully understood. My wife and I are heavy into animal rehabilitation (of any kind). My wife loves working with children (including those with special needs). I've worked in ocean conservation before too - would love to be on the ocean again too ...... options; options; options.

@tjuckufarley,,,,,What daveandmarcia forgot to mention is that 'those volunteer opportunities' require payment.....The only thing you can do here volunteering(without having to pay) is picking up trash at the beach ...Labor law in Costa Rica hands down harsh penalties on employers who misclassify employees to volunteer.....These volunteer programs are another example of Costa Rica's cash-cow in the tourism industry.........The expression of your 'Type-A' behavior is clear....If you do not down shift,Costa Rica will make sure you do....Nobody is in a hurry here and you will end up with a serious waiting problem and only to end up to decipher the cross information from those trying to help you in Costa Rica.....This is what I mean,when people who have never been to Costa Rica create an illusion for themselves and daveandmarcia fuel it for you....

@tjuckufarley instead of wasting your and other's time, buddy, with these self-admiring posts, just take a risk, come and fight to survive. Even if you fail..youll still succeed with rich experience. This site isn't a place to get one. This writes the one who lived in 5 countries, arriving with no money and challenging the fate. Just go!

@Henrych - no worries  mate - it is in the works, gonna happen - not afraid to try and fail, rather than not try at all. No harm in trying to learn from other's mistakes though, I imagine the original purpose for sites like this. Without giving a full biography, we've been around quite a bit too, don't need a safe space when feeling insecure.

@edwinemora - noted - thanks; regarding the volunteering remarks. After 3 years (PR) no problem?

Hello everyone,

Please note that some irrelevant posts were put aside. I would request members to remain courteous on the forum.



@tjuckufarley.......You are not the only one that makes that mistake "comparing Costa Rica with Puerto Rico"1f602.svg1f923.svg

@edwinemora - I didn't know that I was comparing CR with PR; I know absolutely nothing about PR. Just trying to learn more about CR before I take a trip down there in the near future.

@tjuckufarley.....By now you have a clear picture that there is a plot against you, as soon as you step into Costa Rica( to get as much $$$$$ off you )....I commend you for not bringing young children to raise here,especially daughters.