The work culture in Malta

Hello everyone,

As an expatriate, working in Malta can present unique opportunities but also challenges. Discovering new communication styles, adapting to new cultural norms... working in Malta can be both exciting and confusing.

Share your experience to better understand the work culture in Malta and facilitate the professional adaptation of people who are wondering about it.

How would you define the work culture in Malta?

What was the most difficult thing for you when you started working?

What made the biggest impression on you?

How did you fit into your team?

Thank you for your contribution.

Mickael team

As a brit, I do find some aspects of working in Malta quite 'challenging'. Eg, obsessions about your age, sharing this or other personal info widely with no consideration for your privacy, a constant requirement for ID number, and circulating your mobile number without asking you. There's a lot more of a persistent hierarchy according to job title too. Also, in *some* jobs, an unwritten requirement to do lots of overtime at no extra pay. Also, low salaries in a lot of sectors. That kind of covers the main cultural shocks/ annoyances if youre coming from the UK.

Hi Bosh

Thanks for the useful info.

Interested in your comments on age. I'm exiting a role in the UK a little earlier than expected (nothing untoward from my side, just a bit of an immoral industry I want out of, NDA's etc makes me end that there!)

Anyway, we've owned a place in Malta for years with a view to retiring there but I'm not quite there yet and really fancy something different. The Uk has a big push on tempting 50+ folk back in to the workplace and retraining for other industries. Realistically are there such opportunities in Malta?

Thanks in advance for any response's.

