

Rocío Gómez Sanabria



Coaching for expats and their families. Adaptation to change in no time. Coaching services to succeed in your expatriation project. Conception of CV and interviews for young people willing to go abroad. Career transition for professionals. Preparation for expat spouses and families. is the first company offering a complete service to expats. Experts in psychology and coaching for expats, concerned by expat spouse and family's needs, we are a team of coaches in Spanish, English, French, German and Portuguese. We know the essential emotional steps of an expatriation project.

We conceive a personalized and global plan according to your needs and we offer direct solutions. We know the relevant strategies to implement before and after the potential problems and adaptation to change.

Methodology: coaching sessions, psychological support, emotional coaching in workshops.

We offer packs designed for the needs of an expatriation project:
- Wishing to go abroad
- Newcomers
- Who am I now?
- Family building
- Improving my professional profile
- A coach for me for one year

Coaching sessions
Questions to clearly define your objectives. Coaching is the antithesis of dependence. The objective of this process is to develop your own resources. A session lasts about 90 minutes.

Psychological support:
Therapeutic support if one is not able to handle on his own the consequences of the situation.

Emotional coaching:
Technique based on listening your emotions and on conflict resolutions. Online workshops to develop emotional management.

Get in touch