Dating Vietnamese Girl

What are the cultural expectations for a foreigner dating a Vietnamese girl ?
What are the cultural expectations for a foreigner dating a Vietnamese girl ?
- @Bill2014
Good Vietnamese girl say this...
@Bill2014 it depends on her social standing, family background, area of birth etc.

Generally speaking, girls in the city expect much less in the way of traditional Asian expectations, compared to countryside girls. And in general, girls in Saigon expect less than Hanoians. But ultimately it comes down to the individual.

I've heard of friends' experiences with girls who expect marriage the minute after they get into bed with you, and while I've never had this experience myself, it's much more common among poorer Vietnamese families. The logic seems to be that if they can marry into a bit of money then everybody will benefit, and there's also a stigma among relatively poorer, relatively more traditional families of having a daughter who has been openly known to have dated a foreigner: a lot of Vietnamese families wouldn't be quick to accept a girl who has been with a foreign man already. Make what you will of that. I personally never wanted to be the reason a Vietnamese woman couldn't find a partner, so I never dated girls in family/economic situations where they'd be subjected to this kind of mindset.

My experience has always been straightforward enough, though. Every girlfriend I've had here has been from a relarively well-off family, and their parents have had, to varying degrees, pretty forward-thinking attitudes about it. The more wealthy the girlfriend's family has been, the more forward thinking those attitudes have become.

That's my personal experience. Perhaps others might be different.
What are the cultural expectations for a foreigner dating a Vietnamese girl ?
- @Bill2014

Hi Bill, I am married to a Vietnmese lady. We did get married pretty quickly, but that suited us both :-)  Her family are very wealthy and as previously stated by S Johnson, my father in law has a very forward thinking attitude. She now lives with me in the UK, and i think i may have to persuade her to return to Vietnam when i retire lol
what kind of Vietnamese girls are you looking for? do you know what kinds? why vietmamse girls vs other girls from difference country?  I will tell you
What are the cultural expectations for a foreigner dating a Vietnamese girl ?
- @Bill2014

There seems to be very little western style dating for fun occurring in Vietnam.

As indicated by posts #3 and #4 above, the main focus is on finding a marriage partner, the purpose of which is to have a kid, preferably a son.

As a result, these meetings usually take place in a coffee shop and often take the form of a job interview. Eventually, at some point, you'll be asked if you like kids/want to have kids. If you answer "no", your date will soon come to an end.

Of course, if you answer "yes", you may find yourself suddenly "engaged".
What are the cultural expectations for a foreigner dating a Vietnamese girl ?
- @Bill2014

From who exactly?
I met my wife 10 years ago overseas
She was divorces with 2 teenagers
We finally got married last month after living together fir 10 years
So there us different rules and attitudes
What are the cultural expectations for a foreigner dating a Vietnamese girl ?
- @Bill2014

As a foreigner, you must go the extra mile and impress a Vietnamese girl. Make sure that she is always feeling appreciated, failure to which, she may leave you for another man, who is ready to spoil her like a little girl. Vietnamese ladies appreciate someone who loves them with all their heart and might. She enjoys more if you acknowledge them and their family.

Traditionally, the Vietnamese family culture avoids all kinds of disrespect. Even if a family member disagrees with another family member, they will keep their thoughts to themselves out of a display of respect. If a family member disrespects another family member, the relationship is broken, and the two may never communicate or interact with each other again.

If she loves you, from the moon and back, she will be willing to introduce you to her parents. She will ask a lot of questions and remain free with you. She will be eager to teach you about her culture. She will be comfortable speaking with you while maintaining eye contact and always smiling from ear to ear. When you play a lot together, and when she laughs at your funny jokes, she is all yours!

Good Luck!

I had knew a few girsl from countryside such as nui sap, long xuyen.. what shocks me are their mindsets of thinking about $$$ to earn$$ go which country to work for $$$ , hunting well off man.. in short its like a trade. Then settle down in a place and Bring in family along. Of course im not in position to comment on that but its a boundary that i must be well aware. As they can go as far as being an escort or Had been an escort which u will not know. However my wife is from hcmc phung my hung area. Really simple person, excellent house wife being she is. I think... well this is my personal opinion, education plays a huge role in their social circle and also way of thinking. Being an asian chinese, the risk of being walking ATM is much bigger as the sporean and malaysian folks spending power in hcmc is no joke. Hence its good to stay humble. Not because of scared being marked but to avoid unneccesary expectations😅

@An Zhen

Not all Viet women are gold diggers, these types of women are void of any real emotional connection as its just about the money for them. Some people want transactional relationships regardless of gender. So men have seen many woman as a walking ATM as well.

There are plenty of Vietnamese women looking for men for their humanity, potential and emotional makeup.

Real world is much more different and complex. You need money if you want honey in life.

No money = no security of future

No money = no friends

If people don't see your future they will push themselves away from you, doesn't matter how good friends you were before.

No money = no family

No woman will marry you if you are unable to earn essential needs of daily life. All the big talks like love, soul mates doesn't lasts long if you can't fulfill your partner basic needs.

We are not living in 200 BC or something like that, you can't live without money, it became the basics need of human beings.

Some people might argue “more money doesn't give you happiness”. One thing i want to ask them. How much money have you earned to speak this sentence?

When you have found the right woman , You will share your wealth with her, as long as its not a one way street!

"We are not living in 200 BC or something like that, you can't live without money, it became the basics need of human beings."

A person has always chosen their mate to improve their situation (or their family's). In fact you chose your friends the same way. In all cases it does not have to be money but they need to enrich your life somehow. Until the last 100 years or so the concept of marrying for romantic love did not exist. You bring something to the table and your mate does. Enjoy it and do not overthink it. Just my thought.

@An Zhen
Not all Viet women are gold diggers, these types of women are void of any real emotional connection as its just about the money for them. Some people want transactional relationships regardless of gender. So men have seen many woman as a walking ATM as well.

There are plenty of Vietnamese women looking for men for their humanity, potential and emotional makeup.

Real world is much more different and complex. You need money if you want honey in life.

No money = no security of future

No money = no friends

If people don't see your future they will push themselves away from you, doesn't matter how good friends you were before.

No money = no family

No woman will marry you if you are unable to earn essential needs of daily life. All the big talks like love, soul mates doesn't lasts long if you can't fulfill your partner basic needs.

We are not living in 200 BC or something like that, you can't live without money, it became the basics need of human beings.

Some people might argue “more money doesn't give you happiness”. One thing i want to ask them. How much money have you earned to speak this sentence?

When you have found the right woman , You will share your wealth with her, as long as its not a one way street!
-@VN Expat

If she is poor what she will share then?

Love,  Loyalty, a partner to help with your troubles, someone to have fun with,  someone to help with big decisions, someone who makes you smile, someone to care about, someone who cares about you, affection, a family.  When I married my first Vietnamese wife I was maybe worth $50,000 US dollars. I had a good career and made lots of money but I did not spend money wisely (and I am an accountant so I should have known better).

When my wife passed on from Cancer 20 years later I had a net  worth of $3,000,000. My wife did not work during that time but absolutely contributed to our success.  In the three years she has been gone I have continued to grow my net worth based on what I learned during our time together. I would not be where I am if not  for the many wonderful things she brought to our marriage and I miss her every day.

@An Zhen
Not all Viet women are gold diggers, these types of women are void of any real emotional connection as its just about the money for them. Some people want transactional relationships regardless of gender. So men have seen many woman as a walking ATM as well.

There are plenty of Vietnamese women looking for men for their humanity, potential and emotional makeup.

Real world is much more different and complex. You need money if you want honey in life.

No money = no security of future

No money = no friends

If people don't see your future they will push themselves away from you, doesn't matter how good friends you were before.

No money = no family

No woman will marry you if you are unable to earn essential needs of daily life. All the big talks like love, soul mates doesn't lasts long if you can't fulfill your partner basic needs.

We are not living in 200 BC or something like that, you can't live without money, it became the basics need of human beings.

Some people might argue “more money doesn't give you happiness”. One thing i want to ask them. How much money have you earned to speak this sentence?

When you have found the right woman , You will share your wealth with her, as long as its not a one way street!
-@VN Expat
If she is poor what she will share then?

This really and sincerely makes me sad to see you write this.

A woman from a very poor family with very little money to her name looked at me one day and said, "I want to take care for you because I believe you really want to take care of me".

Now she's my wife.

Something like that may be worthless & devoid of "wealth" to you, but it's priceless to me.

You just totally misjudged me. :-)

"No money = no security of future

No money = no friends

If people don't see your future they will push themselves away from you, doesn't matter how good friends you were before.

No money = no family

No woman will marry you if you are unable to earn essential needs of daily life. All the big talks like love, soul mates doesn't lasts long if you can't fulfill your partner basic needs"

I am just irritated by this simp blabbing. How the the heck people few metres away from gas chamber without knowing they survive very day they  fell in love? What kind of friend is the friend who will judge you by your status?  So screw these "friends" if they left it is actually good thing and etc. 

Love, Loyalty, a partner to help with your troubles, someone to have fun with, someone to help with big decisions, someone who makes you smile, someone to care about, someone who cares about you, affection, a family. When I married my first Vietnamese wife I was maybe worth $50,000 US dollars. I had a good career and made lots of money but I did not spend money wisely (and I am an accountant so I should have known better).
When my wife passed on from Cancer 20 years later I had a net worth of $3,000,000. My wife did not work during that time but absolutely contributed to our success. In the three years she has been gone I have continued to grow my net worth based on what I learned during our time together. I would not be where I am if not for the many wonderful things she brought to our marriage and I miss her every day.

You were blessed.

I agree but 20 years is too short time to spend with someone you truly love.

Many of  of us never had and will never have  your experience so feel blessed anyway.

@An Zhen
Not all Viet women are gold diggers, these types of women are void of any real emotional connection as its just about the money for them. Some people want transactional relationships regardless of gender. So men have seen many woman as a walking ATM as well.

There are plenty of Vietnamese women looking for men for their humanity, potential and emotional makeup.

Real world is much more different and complex. You need money if you want honey in life.

No money = no security of future

No money = no friends

If people don't see your future they will push themselves away from you, doesn't matter how good friends you were before.

No money = no family

No woman will marry you if you are unable to earn essential needs of daily life. All the big talks like love, soul mates doesn't lasts long if you can't fulfill your partner basic needs.

We are not living in 200 BC or something like that, you can't live without money, it became the basics need of human beings.

Some people might argue “more money doesn't give you happiness”. One thing i want to ask them. How much money have you earned to speak this sentence?

When you have found the right woman , You will share your wealth with her, as long as its not a one way street!
-@VN Expat
If she is poor what she will share then?

This really and sincerely makes me sad to see you write this.

A woman from a very poor family with very little money to her name looked at me one day and said, "I want to take care for you because I believe you really want to take care of me".

Now she's my wife.

Something like that may be worthless & devoid of "wealth" to you, but it's priceless to me.


OB, gotta say spot on again. We have been living in VN for a little over a year now, bout same as you OB. We just returned from Central Highlands, from working with e poor. So, home again, washing clothes, from a wonderful time of giving back.  I come here to to share life, life in VN. Thanks again OB, pray this helps re-center conversations beyond money and 'women.


What are the cultural expectations for a foreigner dating a Vietnamese girl ?

As westerners, what we consider "dating", a local might consider "courting". Certainly not all locals, but many. It's important to recognize this.

I've observed (observed, not experiencedmany times over the years that local women/girls desperately want to believe whatever is told to them.

It's easy to hurt a VN lady.

Don't do that.

What are the cultural expectations for a foreigner dating a Vietnamese girl ?

As westerners, what we consider "dating", a local might consider "courting". Certainly not all locals, but many. It's important to recognize this.

I've observed (observed, not experienced) many times over the years that local women/girls desperately want to believe whatever is told to them.
It's easy to hurt a VN lady.
Don't do that.
-@Aidan in HCMC

Ah, the perceived virtues of finding a box to lump real people into. Especially that of what men may believe of women. When we as men treat women as equals, as in how we would like to be treated, maybe, just maybe there is progress that 'may' be made.

However, as I observe, and continue to progress over time here in Viet Nam the quest of some men here, bringing their own experiences, cultural bias's, self perceptions, ...does not contribute their own person growth, but does provide fuel for their own building of walls around their own past to project the future.

MAc I observe, and continue to progress over time here in Viet Nam the quest of some men here, bringing their own experiences, cultural bias's, self perceptions, ...does not contribute their own person growth, but does provide fuel for their own building of walls around their own past to project the future.

Their behavior would totally change if they could just have an easy & cheap retirement visa...

What are the cultural expectations for a foreigner dating a Vietnamese girl ?

As westerners, what we consider "dating", a local might consider "courting". Certainly not all locals, but many. It's important to recognize this.

I've observed (observed, not experienced) many times over the years that local women/girls desperately want to believe whatever is told to them.
It's easy to hurt a VN lady.
Don't do that.
-@Aidan in HCMC
Ah, the perceived virtues of finding a box to lump real people into. Especially that of what men may believe of women. When we as men treat women as equals, as in how we would like to be treated, maybe, just maybe there is progress that 'may' be made.
However, as I observe, and continue to progress over time here in Viet Nam the quest of some men here, bringing their own experiences, cultural bias's, self perceptions, ...does not contribute their own person growth, but does provide fuel for their own building of walls around their own past to project the future.


Had same opinion just like you  how to deal with woman. But looks like for the majority of the woman these days if we treat her as equal  with respect, love we are after some time very boring, utterly useless in their eyes. Look at the youtube advices how to deal with woman, it is more "advice" about how to go to war, not to treat closest person to you.

Their behavior would totally change if they could just have an easy & cheap retirement visa...

Are you saying that if the retired could have some type of long term retirement visa they would not seek marriage to local women, particularly single mothers over 40.     At the very least, I hope your wife does not have that understanding.  1f44d.svg

Their behavior would totally change if they could just have an easy & cheap retirement visa...
Are you saying that if the retired could have some type of long term retirement visa they would not seek marriage to local women, particularly single mothers over 40.   At the very least, I hope your wife does not have that understanding. 1f44d.svg

Not quite. Maybe I should have attached an appropriate emoji.

In my anecdotal experience, some of the worst behaving expats are crying out the loudest for a retirement visa.

Maybe there is a connection between thinking that a woman is put on Earth for a man to take advantage of her and thinking that there is some sort of  entitlement to take advantage of this country.

Their behavior would totally change if they could just have an easy & cheap retirement visa...
Are you saying that if the retired could have some type of long term retirement visa they would not seek marriage to local women, particularly single mothers over 40.  At the very least, I hope your wife does not have that understanding. 1f44d.svg

Not quite. Maybe I should have attached an appropriate emoji.

In my anecdotal experience, some of the worst behaving expats are crying out the loudest for a retirement visa.

Maybe there is a connection between thinking that a woman is put on Earth for a man to take advantage of her and thinking that there is some sort of entitlement to take advantage of this country.

OB: Thankyou, oce again.


@S. Johnson City girls are different? I wouldn't generalize. Why do you think Saigon becomes a ghost town at Tet? Because of all the province people who moved here for jobs, go home.

Also, I claim that all wealthy Vietnamese come from powerful families. You know what they say about power. I would avoid. Educated is good, rich and educated nah.

@jayrozzetti23  Correct. My wife had interviews like that. Like there was a guy who needed a mother for his daughter ... kept hounding her.

Summa sumarum: the father of modern Psychology Sigmund Froyd did not understood what the woman wants - how can we average fellows get that?


If she is poor, she would share with you the drive for a better life. She would cherish with you the fruits of her hardwork.

Most of the poor in Vietnam was lack of opportunity, not lack of work ethic.

97% Vietnamese in the West are doing well, almost all came to US peniless, hope to is enough convince you the Vietnamese women characters.

I am Vietnamese, grew up during and after the world, seeing these characters dedication, self-sacrify, family above all else from the women from different background.

Yes not all, but majority of them are, if she been loved. the return will be 100 times more.


You lost all credibility when you stated 97 percent of Vietnamese are doing well in the west.

If she is poor, she would share with you the drive for a better life. She would cherish with you the fruits of her hardwork.
Most of the poor in Vietnam was lack of opportunity, not lack of work ethic.
97% Vietnamese in the West are doing well, almost all came to US peniless, hope to is enough convince you the Vietnamese women characters.
I am Vietnamese, grew up during and after the world, seeing these characters dedication, self-sacrify, family above all else from the women from different background.
Yes not all, but majority of them are, if she been loved. the return will be 100 times more.

That's a bit heavy for "dating" a VN girl.

As I said earlier...

"As westerners, what we consider "dating", a local might consider "courting". Certainly not all locals, but many. It's important to recognize this."

The OP's question was not about "marrying", though many of the responses addressed that instead of "dating".

What are the cultural expectations for a foreigner dating a Vietnamese girl ? -@Bill2014

@Aidan in HCMC

Pay for everything.😁



Moderated by Bhavna 12 months ago
Reason : Generalisation
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

The gospel according to Bill! He's absolutely right. It's all of Asia. Same in Latin America. To tell you the truth, I only date women that have their own stuff already.

Good looks isn't nearly enough to attract me.

@Guestposter103 Not too sure about your thoughts, I was invited to phan Thiet to visit the family of a female friend, things were going pretty well and I was introduced to her mum ( divorced ) a couple of days later as we sat down for dinner the friend started accusing me of blaming her for a small incedent at the hairdressers, she wouldn't calm down even at her fathers attempts.this was from a lass who was living in Sai Gon but parents from the countryside

@charmavietnam Not sure about that, I've only met 2 gold diggers, all the othe female friends have shown much generosity to me and real friendship

I'm surprised that the female admins of this forum allow threads like this to devolve into bashings of Vietnamese women.

If a poster has had one or two or more bad experiences with Vietnamese women and the cultural expectations they encountered in those relationships, then by all means, share your experiences.

But it's simply tiresome and offensive to read the bar talk of guys painting ALL Vietnamese women with the same scarlet paintbrush.

Own up to your own failed relationships, but don't imply that those of us in wonderful, healthy relationships with Vietnamese women must be fooling ourselves about the real possibility of having a successful marriage or cohabitation with a good Vietnamese woman.

You do a real disservice to the casual forum reader and Vietnamese women in general when you tell the world that your experience inside expat bubbles represents cultural expectations nationwide.

Besides, all foreigners are snakes...

What? How dare I paint all foreigners with that brush??

It's essentially true that foreigners coming to Vietnam are not generally considered to be great candidates for lasting matrimony and assimilation into Vietnamese society.

Historically, foreigners come to Vietnam to exploit the country and the local population:

The average Vietnamese woman is taught this from childhood as she learns about how first the Chinese and then the French, the Japanese and the USA (and allies) have all come here and exploited women, promised them the moon and then discarded them.

If some Vietnamese women prefer to get their security up front and not trust that pie-in-the-sky promises will come true, who can blame them?

Essentially, the answer to Bill (who didn't write that "gospel") is that you are probably going to need to rise above cultural expectations in order to have a lasting and fulfilling relationship with a Vietnamese woman in Việt Nam.

Hello everyone,

I am closing this thread as it has gone way off-topic and this topic has already been discussed several times.

However I need to precise that this type of comment is very unwelcome. An employee is an employee, it has nothing to do with being female/gender. I am not closing this thread because I am one of the "female" admins but because you can find plenty of these on the forum + the initiator hasn't participated in long.

I'm surprised that the female admins of this forum allow threads like this to devolve into bashings of Vietnamese women. - @OceanBeach92107

All the best


[Topic Closed]
