Qiwa: Transfer request and contract not received even after 1 week

Is there anything that can be done, the new employer has checked and everything is ok on his side.

My transfer request page says nothing found.

may it will come after some days.  check with your new employer

I am facing the same issue. Everything is cleared from my side and my current employer but my new employer is unable to see my request in their muqeem system. They have paid the transfer fee but no success. If some one have any info or will get some info please help me. Thanks

The procedure actually is first the new employer will send request in qiwa prior to your approval then second there will be notification that it needs approval from your present employeer

Hi, my qiwa and absher and my online iqama show that im already on other company. Can i start to my new employer?

Yes, Sir you can start with the new company, you are legally an employee of your new sponsor. After my transfer in the system, I was immidiately asked to report to my new company.

I am facing similar problem, my new employer has sent the transfer request but my individual account shows no request found. I have tried contacing Qiwa but no response. Also my new employer system still shows that request is pending for approval by me. Please need help and support in this regard. Anyone facing similar problem or have managed to solve it. Will resending the request solve this issue. Please give your feedback.

Anybody found the solution?

I am facing same issue nothing found on my page too

Please let me know if someone has been through such situation I am facing right now tell me how to solve this issue please?

Same issue with me, I received job contract from my new employer in QIWA but when I go to employee transfer section to approve the contract it' says nothing was found. any solution on this please

Mineski27 wrote:

Same issue with me, I received job contract from my new employer in QIWA but when I go to employee transfer section to approve the contract it' says nothing was found. any solution on this please

only one solution is SABAR .... when the technical problem in site will be resolved it will be OK
till that time have some KAWA and Dates

Could you please update me the status

Call 920000105 for qiwa queries

I am facing same issue??what is the solution??

It happens to me before I just refreshed or restart my Qiwa because sometimes the Qiwa system has technical problem especially at day time. I hope it will help🙂

Salam ! I have a question.  My iqama is expired also my qiwa contract expired. New company try to send request on qiwa for transfer sponsorship but system sowing this👇

( runtime error accurred in external API)

Why this error coming?

And what is solution?

If anybody help please let me know solution.


Hello Raja Nadeem Ul Hassan,

Welcome to expat.com!

You have posted on a rather old discussion.

In case you don't find any answers here, do not hesitate to start your own thread on the Saudi Arabia forum.



Expat.com team

I am facing the same issue. my new sponsor is sending requset to me but request is not sowing on my qiwa If some one have any info or will get some info please help me. Thanks

@anonyzious You came on azaad visa? Is your problem now resolved? If, yes how did you resolve it?

@nazakatsaco sem me also