Social worker

[i]Hi! I'm Frohnie a Social Worker from Cebu City,Philippines!


please register in the business directory, advertisement is now allowed on the forum


Julien, as soon as i saw your message, i immediately deleted that portion with our services, but  i have difficulty deleting the title, "Virtual Admin/Secretarial Services" kindly delete that. Thanks!

Hello philsVAservices!

I have done it for you. :)


Thanks Harmonie!

You are welcome :)


I'm korean american male looking for work in Cebu. But HR staffs in call centers won't hire me because they won't give out documents to  get work visa/permit. Need advice,thanks.


deok wrote:

I'm korean american male looking for work in Cebu. But HR staffs in call centers won't hire me because they won't give out documents to  get work visa/permit. Need advice,thanks.


And you also got deported for overstaying 10 months past your Visa and never did your extensions.  That's why no one would hire you cause you were an illegal.