Huroob cancel

Dear friends,

Can any one give me suggestions regarding huroob status.

Below are my company and iqama status

My iqama already expired from 2 years

And also kafeel organisation expired from last 2 years
His Commercial registration over.
Licence expired.
Status red class A .

Absent from work.

Can any one give me suggestions how to remove huroob .

Please send me all details process.


I have advised on this topic in many threads in the forum.  Browse the threads.

Only your sponsor can request for removal of Huroob.   Or you can challenge in the court if it was applied unfairly but you would need a lawyer as there are high chances of arrest if you go there yourself.   Lastly, if you want to leave, you can surrender yourself to Jawazat and they will deport you.

Do you know any lawyer for cancel huroob please give me his contact number.
My contact number is

Moderated by Priscilla 4 years ago
Reason : please exchange personal details in private
Pls reply me in private message

Do you know any lawyer for cancel huroob please give me his contact number.

My contact number is
