French Word meaning - what does 'bof' means?

I have checked several translators and they are all saying something different.  What does Bof mean?

Hi, that would be whatever, so so, nah, not so good, ..., depending on the context.

Hope it helps  :)

If I asked you, "Are you Okay Today?"  "Bof" was the answer then what's the meaning?

That would be not so great, could be better.

meaning you are not feeling good.

Thank you

"how are you - bof "
it means "so-so" in this case, and in fact the question isn't the main one. no interest.
people say this because they are "désabusé" (= in GB : desillusioned, desappointed, a little bit embittered, underceived with regards to a question)

We have also an expression leaked to this word : the so-called "bof-generation" that appeared during 90's when young people had not any belief left in future, institutions, ideologies.

that's why "Bof" means generally speaking : " just drop it Plz !" ... "let's talk about something else". "I don't know, I don't care in fact - next topic ?"
but not in an agressive way. just desappointed (  express orally by "Pou-ou-h !" which is quite different compared to the "fuck of !" of american culture)

Foster-Ehlé J-Ch wrote:

"how are you - bof "
it means "so-so" in this case, and in fact the question isn't the main one. no interest.
people say this because they are "désabusé" (= in GB : desillusioned, desappointed, a little bit embittered, underceived with regards to a question)

We have also an expression leaked to this word : the so-called "bof-generation" that appeared during 90's when young people had not any belief left in future, institutions, ideologies.

that's why "Bof" means generally speaking : " just drop it Plz !" ... "let's talk about something else". "I don't know, I don't care in fact - next topic ?"
but not in an agressive way. just desappointed (  express orally by "Pou-ou-h !" which is quite different compared to the "fuck of !" of american culture)

Interesting! When I first heard the word bof I though it was disrespectful. I was at my belle-mère's house and I asked her a question and she answered me with bof (she also lifted her shoulders), I felt insulted but then I realized she meant "I'm not sure. I don't know." Hehe. There's also a French word or an expression called "bah."  :D

Hi !

'Bah" means rather "I don't know about what you're talking about".
i hesitate to give you an answer. let me think about it 
i'll give you my opinion as soon as I 'll be able to.

"Bof" meaning isn't as you said it at the end of your post i can't read again.
Well I'll read it and then send another post.

Yes : i'm back ...

Hum... it wasn't really false what you said : depends on context and cultural character of the person you are facing.

You know this part of what is so difficult to understand and probably you'll never catch, in a foreign country. even you spent your whole life abroad in the same country.

The famous "nuances" of languages and habbits , accents, or specail local words and dialectal language. Or, words ordinary use ( for example differences between english speakers and german or russian, or french much more "worthy" and "nuancy" (!?))
Non-expressed orally expressions (i mean physical body expressions such as the italian language of hands accentuating oral expression even on phone ! which is totally sur-realistic way of talking : your correspondant is just unable to see your mouvements on phone! but it's the use ...funny to look at this !).
Limits of use, contextual realities that can lead to very funny scenes sometimes.

Maybe I'll tell one after, .that happened to me in Ceskoslovaquia long time ago, as I started to learn Cech language. Totally sur-realistic scenes ... based on total mis-understanding but finally very funny situations that drove me to a huge overcome with uncontrollable slaughter , a true screaming farce. To-day again ! ..                                            ( i could do tell them,  on private mail, maybe)

To come back to your post and your "understanding" of that scene you described : when your "belle-mère" ( mother in law) shaked her shoulders , saying "bof!" usually the meaning of such behaviour is close to " well, I just don't know " but close to " I don't care" in a way that she have no interest about the question, the topic. sometimes ... she is unable to say a word about it. She can't carry on her shoulders the problem you submit to her brain, in a way.
It's not "I'm not sure" . To express this she will probably better show her both hands top side opening in front of her / and you, as if she 'll offer you to take something, into them, for example.  I guess.

But it's never...never a way to express "bad words" or bad manners - or, insulting manners. never ! -
For average people, at least.
Because in some other "area" (upper-class) you'll never see people using this expression too ... "humble" ..."popular way of expression". That's what they would think...

France on this topic, is a country where you can "feel" easely from where people are extracted , originated on a social point of view, Just by the way they are using such or such words, and expressions, Language is particular to every "social extraction class". Some may even be funny to-day.("noble" one)

Intonation also. or, particular accents as local / regional one. Some are totally un- understandable for somebody who learn "normal french" and even for french born guys ! -
Don't forget france is a very diversified cultures country, and by several old languages or dialects that are quite far to ordinary french, tought at school.
For ex. I'm speaking a german dialect that only people who spoke it very early, can understand.
Others don't understand a word. Same thing for a large part of south west france (catalan), or south-east singing and expressive accent (close to italian language) or in bretagne the old language based on celtic culture they have in common with Gaelic, in ireland, scotland and wales !
I can tell you : won't catch a word !

I hope all this long talk will improve and serve your purpose with best understanding of French language.

"Bof..." - "Bah..." - "Ben..."

Funny topic and forum , for sure !

I 'll finish to believe that French is a language just for imature kids , you know ?!

I'm kiddin' - am some kind of a clown, a cameleon character , in a way : too serious appearence, but I do love irony, moquings, satyrical words, or humour (a lot, but so rare, to-day) and above all cleverness !
one of my favourite writer : Oscar Wilde. I know he's Irish but this is in recognition of typical irish spirit, dreamy and poetic, ...and ... my own ancestors who belonged to this culture.

Well, hopefully I did made enough studies here, to know how harmonious, french language is.
Poetic one too. Nuances expression abitility and capacity with french, and how sophisticated it is, in fact - see our philosophs during century of lights (XVIII°) - or our litteracy; even japonese are fond of marcel Proust masterpiece "searching for lost times".
I was surprised to learn once, this fact : they have special club of fans , you know ?!

Did you like your madeleines this morning at breakfast ? - Ha, ha...ha !
...slowly anhd lovely dropped in your cup of tee ...with "asian sticks" ?

just to come back for a while, serious enough about this topic : meaning of "Ben..." ?
it's close to "bah,.." - an expression of doubt fondamentaly, I guess.
"I don't know". But generally speaking people use this one when they are in a rush to answer.
just to take a breath before answering,- even if the prononciation in fact is "heavy" ...
as  "Be-e-en..."( long one) but will be followed by a proposal just after. a talk to re-explain the context.

on the opposite of "Bof !" which is an exclamation, often without any following words.
it closes generally the discusssion , but as told previously without angerness, very quietly.

That's all folks ! "mixed rabbit" is on his rush for a carrot ! - Enjoy this nice day ...

Foster-Ehlé J-Ch wrote:

"Bof..." - "Bah..." - "Ben..."

Funny topic and forum , for sure !

I 'll finish to believe that French is a language just for imature kids , you know ?!

I'm kiddin' - am some kind of a clown, a cameleon character , in a way : too serious appearence, but I do love irony, moquings, satyrical words, or humour (a lot, but so rare, to-day) and above all cleverness !
one of my favourite writer : Oscar Wilde. I know he's Irish but this is in recognition of typical irish spirit, dreamy and poetic, ...and ... my own ancestors who belonged to this culture.

Well, hopefully I did made enough studies here, to know how harmonious, french language is.
Poetic one too. Nuances expression abitility and capacity with french, and how sophisticated it is, in fact - see our philosophs during century of lights (XVIII°) - or our litteracy; even japonese are fond of marcel Proust masterpiece "searching for lost times".
I was surprised to learn once, this fact : they have special club of fans , you know ?!

Did you like your madeleines this morning at breakfast ? - Ha, ha...ha !
...slowly anhd lovely dropped in your cup of tee ...with "asian sticks" ?

just to come back for a while, serious enough about this topic : meaning of "Ben..." ?
it's close to "bah,.." - an expression of doubt fondamentaly, I guess.
"I don't know". But generally speaking people use this one when they are in a rush to answer.
just to take a breath before answering,- even if the prononciation in fact is "heavy" ...
as  "Be-e-en..."( insisting and long one "un" as the number) but will be followed by a proposal just after. ...a talk to re-explain the context.

on the opposite of "Bof !" which is an exclamation, often without any following words.
it closes generally the discusssion , but as told previously without angerness, very quietly.

That's all folks ! "Mixed Rabbit" is on his rush for a carrot ! -
Enjoy your nice day ...

Foster-Ehlé J-Ch wrote:

"Bof..." - "Bah..." - "Ben..."

Funny topic and forum , for sure !

I 'll finish to believe that French is a language just for imature kids , you know ?!

I'm kiddin' - am some kind of a clown, a cameleon character , in a way : too serious appearence, but I do love irony, moquings, satyrical words, or humour (a lot, but rare) and above all cleverness !
Typical french satyrical journals tradition you probably heard about recently ... after "Charly affair".
My favourite is (for years long) "le canard enchainé" ( "the enchained duck" for english speakers).
One of my favourite writer : Oscar Wilde. I know of course, he's Irish but this is in recognition of typical irish spirit, dreamy and poetic, ...and ... my own ancestors who belonged to this culture.

Well, hopefully I did made enough studies here, to know how harmonious, french language is.
Poetic one too. Nuances expression abitility and capacity with french, and how sophisticated it is, in fact - See our philosophs during century of lights (XVIII°) - or our litteracy; even japonese are fond of Marcel Proust masterpiece "searching for lost time".
I was surprised once,  to learn, this fact : they have special club of fans , you know ?! unbelievable !

"Did you like your madeleines this morning at breakfast ?" - Ha, ha...ha !
"...slowly anhd lovely dropped in your cup of tee" ..."with "asian sticks" ?"

Just to come back for a while, serious enough about this topic : meaning of "Ben..." ?
it's close to "bah,.." - an expression of doubt fondamentaly, I guess.
"I don't know". But generally speaking people use this one when they are in a rush to answer.
just to take a breath before answering,- even if the prononciation in fact is / seems "heavy" ...
as  "Be-e-en..."(insisting and  long one as "un" the number) but will be followed by a proposal just after. a talk to re-explain the context.

On the opposite of "Bof !" which is an exclamation, often without any following words.
it closes generally the discusssion , but as told previously without angerness, very quietly.

That's all folks ! "mixed rabbit" is on his rush for a carrot ! - Enjoy this nice day ...

A Johnny English joke is now explained.
I love forums.

Hi, Fred !

Which one ?

I mean which one was the "johnny english joke" you enjoyed with ?

I didn't catch it.

Bye - spent a nice evening.

It is just an expression. Like when you don't want to answer "yes" or "no" , so you say, "Bof." It could also mean "so, so"

Casa 432 said
[" when you don't want to say "yes" or "no" , you say "bof !"] - i guess it's more subtil than that ( see above)
"Bof !" doesn't mean "in the middle" or "indetermined"  - the connotation is rather close to " no interest"

[ "so,so" ] meaning is difficult to explain / translate to a french - might be " comme ci, comme ça" (= in the middle  - not good , not bad ) but it's used also in another way rather close to "I don't know, we'll see"

of course this is depending of each context - but we need to understand what is "under" the words , what is not really express but leads to the right meaning in all languages, and therefore the right, correct use of an expression.-> The "connotations" of an expression.

"Bof" is a French slang word & it basically means,
So so
I'm feeling so so
so what
It doesn't really matter
What difference does it make
Who gives a monkeys toss
Who gives a fu*k
Who cares
Who gives a sh*t

That should answer your question lol

It all depends on the context & the subject of the conversation.
  I have been living here in the south Of France now for 40 years & with a French lady common law wife.

@Mon cur est en France

Hello 'Bof" is a short for beau frère (brother in law)


Phillip Lemarque

Funny thing, in Dutch, bof means practically the opposite - i.e. lucky