How is the weather

is the weather good no it is not it is very cold

Is there a point to this post?  IF so I am sorry I missed it.

@planner yes, I can't tell if something was lost in translation....

The only point that I am seeing is that it depends on where you are from on how you will experience the weather. For the OP the DR is cold but for most it isn't (and I am sure when you go to the DR impacts this as well, I can't see anyone saying that it's very cold during the summer [although there may be some I suppose, maybe from Phoenix]).

Well buckle up this week it's going to be as high as 39 to 44c in some parts of the country.

    Well buckle up this week it's going to be as high as 39 to 44c in some parts of the country.


One thing we'll definitely have to get used to, using Celsius. It's supposed to be around 30 here this week, which is pretty warm for northern Vermont in May.