Management company in Bavaro?

Hi we're in the process of buying a condo in Bavaro and need a reliable management company to work with. Any suggestions?


Moderated by Bhavna last month
Reason : self-promotion
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

How is this self promotion? They are asking for a referral.  Please explain so I don't make the same mistake as I don't see it. Thanks B

@rfmaurone thank you for helping and sharing your positive experience - I appreciate it. I will reach out to chat. In the interim, I will check out the referral you have suggested! Talk soon!

@rfmaurone I see no self promotion. In fact, you've shared a positive experience and answered my post - thank you!


the moderator was referring to me - "self promoting". I was introducing myself to the group and listing my qualifications to reply to your post. After I read the  groups "rules of conduct", the moderator was correct in blocking my post the way it was written.

Thank you for understanding. 


Hello. We have been using Premium Prime Properties for over a year and we are satisfied with their service.