Fence/Gate installation & interior painting in Cabarete

Hello to all. We are looking to install a gate/fence to enclose our property in Cabarete East. The enclosure is to keep our 2 furbabies on the premises.

Currently, we have 2 feet high concrete on 3 sides (right, left, back) of the villa. 1 side has a chain fence that stands 6 feet high (total). We want to match the chain fence on the opposite side and the back. We would like something more appealing for the front.

Our space is roughly 360 square meters.

Can anyone recommend someone who can complete this installation?

What is the normal ETA for completion?

We also need some interior painting. Any recommendations?

I would like to have all completed before the end of July, prior to our relocation.

Any recommendations, suggestions, advice is much appreciated..

Thank you all.