Neighbourhoods around Puerto Plata

I'm thinking of doing a scouting trip to the Puerto Plata / north coast area the last week of May.

The idea is to get familiar with the areas and see if it seems suitable for moving there.

Looking for a safe area where it's easy to walk to markets, street vendors or local restaurants for all meals, that are healthy and not too expensive.

(not into cooking for one)

Hoping to find a rental for 6 months in the $300 to $400 per month range and a total cost of living around $1500 per month.

Don't really care about beaches, although I may discover otherwise.

Does this sound reasonable and can someone suggest any suitable neighbourhoods?


A rental for  300 to  400  will be difficult.  If you are looking for a small one bedroom you may find something but it will take some effort, especially since you want walking distance to restaurants etc.


What rent would be more likely?

Depends on a number of things.  How big?  Look 500 to 600.