Accepting a job in Riyadh help

Hi my name is Camelia I'm new in the forum too.

I lived in Dubai for over 10 years  and I got an offer from Saudi. I'm thinking on accepting but I have some concerns.

  1. I'm a single woman raised in a western country I wonder if things are still as strict and things like taking a taxi and walking alone during the night are as safe as in Dubai.
  2. asking around my friends said that moving to DQ close to the office or close to Al Olaya was a good idea but I'm struggling to find any options through internet, do someone have an idea of what real estate companies offer rental properties on DQ? Or any suggested real estate agent?
  3. I heard that that every time I was to leave the country I need to get an exit visa and pay for it, and that some companies offer multiple exit visas. Is this true ? Should I ask this to be included on my job offer?
  4. in the meantime I move to Saudi I'll be working from the UAE, how the salary is going to be paid if I still don't have a visa or a bank account in Saudi, is it allowed to get my salary through my UAE account ? Is this allowed I saw in the forum someone saying is not allowed by law
  5. how easy is to move my cats into Saudi, does anyone know? I've been warned about the airport. is the process easy ?
  6. as a single woman is it easy to rent an apartment?
  7. also my salary would be around 50k and I have mortgage expenses in Dubai of 18k per month, is this a good salary still ? Keeping a smilar lifestyle that I have here, meaning going out for dinner and traveling abroad for vacations couple of times a year.

if you could help me would be great I literally  can't find any information online. And I'm getting a bit nervous to accept without understanding if is a good decision.

Thanks !

Hello Camelia,

1 - Its as safe as Dubai if not more safer for women here. You can use Uber or Careem or the Ladies only Taxi (can't remember the name - Rakeeb I think)

2 - You'll need to come and then search compounds or through local real estate companies

3 - Yes, you need an exit re-entry visa which can be single or multiple in nature. Usually the company provides on per year for vacation and you'll need to negotiate for a 12 month multiple due to cost implications

4 - I think maybe they pay lumpsum once you are in Saudi

5 - No idea

6 - Yes, absolutely

7 - Cost of living is lower compared to Dubai, so it should allow for a similar if not better lifestyle

Hope this helps and Welcome to the Kingdom!

1) No issue

2) Saudi is not as developed online as UAE.  Practically speaking, the search is ALL legwork after arriving as most of the apps that do deal with real estate are mostly in Arabic like Akar (not sure if I am getting the name right)

3) Yes. Every expats needs ERE to exit.  This won't be included in contract as those are standard QIWA contracts but you can reach an understanding with the employer

4) Once you get an Iqama, you can open bank account.  Employers can either pay your salary in arrears when you arrive or transfer it as a "non-salary" payment to you in UAE (may or may not do it depending on employer so check with them)

5) For ease of transfer, get in touch with a pet relocation company

6) Yes

7) The big question here is, whether you will live in a compound or not.  If you are in a compound then cost of living is higher than Dubai.  If you live outside the compound, then it will be fine


hi! thank you so much for replying.

all the answers are super clear an helpful thanks.

About the housing, I think I want to live outside a compound. i wonder if you know any good place in or around DQ that i should keep in mind.



Hi Ali thank you so much for replying. all very clear and super helpful!

last thing, about the visa is this something rhe company will need to do for me if we reach an agreement? is it worth doing or you think I'll be fine with the normal visa. I heard that it becomes costly to keep paying  that amount every time, even more for me that I might be coming to Dubai regularly to visit my friends. but i don't know what is the name of this visa ?


It's called an exit re-entry visa and a one year multiple costs around SAR 2300 or so.  I don't remember exact cost but my company pays for it every year for me.  Most companies at max give you a 6 month - their way to control the employees I guess.

@XTang !!! thanks. ok I see, I'll definitely mention it to them.

thanks again for your help


Depends on your negotiation and how badly the company needs you. If you are going to be an exception to other employees it'll be a hard task but do push for it and see what they counter propose.

All the best!

Oh,please-with 50 000 sar and good nationality you should not worry. because Saudi respect and pay good only for americans/british/europian people. I feel disappointed after 3 years here,there is no sense work and live here with salary 3-4-5-6 000 sar( maximum they pay for my passport holder,coz same age and experience my Italian colleague get 12 000)..only 1 reason can make europian ( or other) people stay in such strict and hot country-high salary. thats why I leave.its big drama to ask exit re entrt visa for me,but for italians is ok any time.I used to live in clear,honest country,where is exactly salary regardless you are russian or indian or american. Thanks for experience? thanks. P.S. Saudi Arabia is not same as UAE,now its growing ,but unfortunately peoples menthality and brains still very tough!! good luck. I hope you will not be shocked when boss will tell you why you dress like this etc