TBC - tuberculosis

Can work visas be given to those who have had tuberculosis in the past?

If u does't have scar in your chest .u will clear the medical.

Thank you very much. So I understand that if there is a scar on the lung, the visa cannot be granted correctly? 🙏🏼

Only a Doctor can tell you based on an examination of your lungs/blood test etc to determine whether your TB is active, requiring treatment or cleared.

You need to follow the procedures for the medical checks that everyone has to get a work visa.

It depends on the specific circumstances of the individual's history of PTB (pulmonary tuberculosis) and the requirements of the employer in Qatar. In general, Qatar has strict medical screening requirements for foreign workers, which may include testing for TB. If an individual has a history of PTB, they may need to provide additional documentation or evidence that they are no longer contagious before being granted a work visa. It is best to check with the relevant authorities or consultant in Romania.

Thank you very much. From what I understand, those who had tuberculosis and were left with a scar on their lung, even if you are cured, you are still not given a visa. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a disease that can recur at any time. Just like a volcano. But there is also confusion - bronchopneumonia can show the same situation on X-ray. The X-ray of lungs that are scarred and have had bronchopneumonia is similar to those that have had tuberculosis. In this case, only a brilliant doctor can make the difference. I'm looking for some answers, it's a delicate situation and I think I'll ask for your help here. But I'm waiting for a response from the school. This is about my son who is not yet 18 and lives in Doha. My son is healthy. That's not what it's about. I wish you a good day . I appreciate from the bottom of my heart that you made time for me.


GCC countries have very clear guidelines.  Cases of past TB do not get a visa.  The only exception is UAE where they do give a visa but if you are diagnosed once you already have a UAE visa - not for new entrants.

TB scars are very distinctive and can easily be picked up by a half competent radiologist (in vast majority of cases at least - so I disagree with your brilliant doctor comment).  In cases where there is doubt i.e. scars are not easily distinguishable, other confirmatory tests are done.  The usual tests are sputum (to test for active TB) and the tuberclin skin (latent TB). You don't need to worry about sputum test if your active TB was in the past but the problem that happens is that the skin test causes a distinctive induration (bump) in the case of BOTH latent TB carriers (who never had TB) and also people who have had past TB (but don't currently have TB).  In majority of the cases, with an abnormal X-ray and positive tuberclin test, visa is denied (as they take this as confirmation that you have had TB in the past).   This is unfair I know.........because you may never have had TB (a lot of people who never had active TB are still positive in the TST........they are carriers coming from endemic regions like the sub continent) but are still excluded due to abnormalities in the lungs.

Source: I am in healthcare.  Not in Qatar but all GCC medical regulations are more or less the same and defined in GAMCA testing guidelines.  And in terms of confirmatory tests, I rarely come across a positive sputum test (only positive if you have active TB or recovering from it still) but a lot of TST positives.

Thank you very much for this answer. This surprises me, I know that the person in question had TB, in 2016 he was registered at the Prince Court Malaysia Hospital, he was one step away from being expelled but he was lucky that he did not expectorate, he had medication for 6 months, he had and the hole in his lungs and he has a work visa here in Doha. So he had TB and the sputum test is ok. As a preventive measure he took a month of medicine to treat TB, but that's what the person says, I have no proof. I will be more explicit when I think again that I will need help, now I am trying to look for evidence so to speak, because I want to help someone who still does not realize the gravity of the situation. The person in question has enough money to do anything, he is not a billionaire, but he has potential. He can afford a lawyer, but what he did doesn't deserve to be forgiven. So I, who don't even know English very well, I can't afford a lawyer, but I have specialized studies, I know what I'm looking for, and here I rely on the legislation of the country where I live and on people like all of you here who help me. Any advice is welcome. I haven't had the courage to do this before, I don't like to do harm, but I have to appear as someone who has no fault and who must understand that no one is above the law, especially since it is very , very close to him. Thank you very much everybody.🙏🏼😇

Well, the thing is, every case is different. It's really about how the person presents medically.  We don't know what we don't know. A lot of times, word of mouth is just that..... Words and at other rare times, exceptions are done for specific reasons. I am just sharing what generally (mostly) happens and what I have seen myself.

I agree with you and thank you. I sat next to that person, not for a second I was afraid that I would also get this microbe, I did not intend to die. I fought with myself to be strong, it was the first time in my life that I felt like I was floating, the stress was consuming me, but I made sure that he was properly fed and hydrated and that he took his medication on time. It is not easy to see suffering. Well after that what you see, he turned into the devil. That he hurt me, and many more but I won't allow him to hurt a ... chick. And now, due to previous circumstances, I see suffering every day because I am a caregiver. I found that I am strong and can help more than I imagined and I have the same desire to help as much as I can. Nothing is accidental in this life. Everything that happened to me was for a purpose, at the moment I didn't realize it, but time taught me that.😇