Gringo Gulch

Do you know about Key Largo Bar and Hotel Del Rey or the Blue Marlin Bar?

If you ever went to those places in San José downtown and know about the so called zone Gringo Gulch and you are willing to being interviewed/ share knowledge about the nightlife, please respond to this. I'm looking for people willing to share for an investigation done in the nightlife and possible tourist knowledge about the zone.

So if this is for you,

Contact me at ***

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@Sarah Montero it's not like it used to be by for. Now it's a great place to live. Not so much for a family, but husband and wife for sure

Hello Sarah,

Welcome on board !

May I ask whether you are journalist/reporter ?

Please create an advert in the Testimonies in Costa Rica section so that interested members may contact you directly.

Thank you in advance



I was going to come to Costa Rica to visit my son but complications with his significant other and so I just canceled the trip