Connecting with Mauritians in Switzerland - Seeking Job Opportunities

Hi everyone!. My name is Tracy Wan, and I recently came across this page. As a fresh graduate eagerly looking for job opportunities in Switzerland, I was delighted to discover this network.

I am reaching out to you today to kindly request your insights and experiences working in Switzerland. Your guidance and advice would be immensely valuable to me.

If you would be open to meeting for a coffee or having a brief call, I would be truly grateful. I understand that your time is precious, but I thought I'd as anyway. Also, I genuinely appreciate your consideration in reading this message. Your knowledge and first-hand experiences would provide me with a deeper understanding of the Swiss job market and the challenges and opportunities it presents.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to the possibility of connecting with you soon.

Best regards,

Tracy Wan


Moderated by Bhavna 11 months ago
Reason : For security reasons, please share contact details through the private messaging system. Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Welcome to the forum.

Whilst waiting for others to reply take the time to read the Switzerland Guide located under "Discover" at the top left of this page.

@Tracy Wan


like to meet for coffee.


Hi! I am currently living in Lausanne. Feel free to send me a text! I shared my phone number on our chat

Hi I am currently living here in the Philippines hope soon I will get a work in Switzerland

Dear Tracy

like to be friends and meet up?

am also from your island, born there and left for uk

studying at Lausanne university for AI Engineering


I'm also from Mauritius. Just move to Switzerland in September for my master degree at HSLU in Banking & Finance. If you wanna be friend feel free to drop a message.

@Alexandre Philippe19 hello how are you

It's great having connections,

@Alexandre Philippe19

Hi dear friend

I would like to be able to migrate through job opportunities in the fields of civil engineering and HSE