DHP Qatar licensing issues for Doctors from England (UK)

DHP licensing team (Qatar) recently changed/updated their policy which is effecting a lot of Doctors from England (UK) to obtain a medical licence in order to practice in Qatar. Unfortunately I don't think DHP Qatar understand how the NHS is structured in the UK. The 'NHS England' and the 'NHS TRUST England' are part of the same body. DHP Qatar now want atleast 12 months work experience post training from Doctors under 'NHS TRUST England'.

Doctors working in hospitals fall under 'NHS TRUST England' and Doctors working at General Practices fall under working for 'NHS England', not all Doctors will have 12 months work experience working under the 'NHS TRUST England' post training as some Doctors choose to work at General Practices rather then hospitals. The duties and responsibilities of a Doctor don't change, if anything Doctors working at General Practices have additional duties to fulfill.

DHP Qatar needs to revise their policies or there will be a problem for the future of England Doctors wishing to work in Qatar.

Any further information on the above will be most welcome, thank you. 

@shirazk121 any updates?

Hi Shirazk121

does this apply for all overseas doctors or only UK ?

would any previous government hospital work be valid then ? I come from Auatralia


UK only.

You would have to check with Qatar health ministry with regards to acceptable experience from someone in Australia.

@hraz243 unfortunately nothing as of yet, still waiting on updates.

@shirazk121 thank you and wishing you the best in your application process

What is your job/speciality currently?