Any Pakistani living in Casablanca or Marrakech?

I'm looking to connect with someone from Pakistan living in Morocco.

Hi there

Hello everyone and welcome on board !

@ Malik Abdullah, feel free to introduce yourself

All the best


@Malik 5757

Asalam O Alaikum brother.

my name is Imran. i am from Karachi. I live in casa.

Walikum Salam brother,

My Name is Abdullah I live in casablanca as well, right now I'm in Pakistan for vacation

Thats good enjoy your vacation.

I came to morocco in Sep. R u from khi.



brother message me

@Malik 5757

Sorry brother i was a little busy. I have just shifted here in Casablanca. yes we can speak on whats app.

Looking to connect with some urdu speaking brothers from Pakistan or India

any whats app number please share


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How are you ?

Hello brother  im from paKistan

in morocco