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Flying amidst the pandemic: Tips from an expert
Qatar Airways
Flying amidst the pandemic: Tips from an expert
Today, we find ourselves, along with the rest of the world, in an unrivalled situation. Many things in our lives have changed. Being an expat abroad might mean that you have not been able to see your friends and family for an unforeseen period. The greatest journey is the one back home to reconnect with family and friends you have been missing.
Things to look out for when choosing a bank account for investing
Citi Bank
Things to look out for when choosing a bank account for investing
When investing globally, you may face challenges such as costly currency conversions or the hassle of moving your money across banks. Discover why international banking is an expatriate's must-have for investing and how you can manage your wealth holistically. 
International removals: Moving during a pandemic
International removals: Moving during a pandemic
The global coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has changed the way all of us go about our day-to-day lives, from how we buy groceries to interacting with loved-ones via the internet. While many might never dream of relocating during a pandemic, let alone if your city is in lockdown – for many, it is unavoidable. 
Barcelona Expat Week: Is the destination still attractive after the sanitary crisis?
Barcelona Council
Barcelona Expat Week: Is the destination still attractive after the sanitary crisis?
In 2019, the Municipal Register of Inhabitants of the city of Barcelona revealed that half of its residents were foreign-born. The city is one of the world's most multicultural and there are deliberate efforts by the City Administration to promote this. This week, the city is organizing the Barcelona Expat week. How is immigrating to Barcelona going to change and what is the Barcelona Expat week?
Why choose an international bank account and what to look for?
Barclays International Banking
Why choose an international bank account and what to look for?
Job: Check. Accommodation: Check. Visa: Check. How about your finance? Carefully considering your banking options before moving abroad could save you money and time. Depending on your reason for moving abroad and the duration of your stay, you could be tempted to use the bank account from your home country or open a local bank account in your home country. But have you thought of an international bank account? Here is why you should consider it and what you should look out for.
Managing your finances before relocating
Citi Bank
Managing your finances before relocating
Relocating to a new country can be both an exciting and stressful event. Reduce your worries on managing your finances with these key tips before relocating.
International Banking: Here, when you're there
International Banking: Here, when you're there
One of the most important things to consider when moving abroad, is how to manage your finances. Should you consider an international bank account?
Europe’s 10 best destinations to escape the crowds
Europe’s 10 best destinations to escape the crowds
Whilst the coronavirus pandemic may have put international travel plans on hold for the time being, it's never too early to start planning your next trip away. For many people, avoiding crowds has become a priority. Thankfully, many European destinations remain largely untouched by mass tourism, where you can enjoy the sites and visit the best attractions without waiting in line.
Discover ETIAS: a Visa Waiver for Europe
Discover ETIAS: a Visa Waiver for Europe
The European Travel Information and Authorization System, or ETIAS, is an upcoming visa waiver initiative for the Schengen Area of Europe. If you are a national of an eligible country, ETIAS will give you visa-free access to 26 European countries, with a diverse range of cultures to experience.
How to be imaginative in the middle of a crisis
How to be imaginative in the middle of a crisis
As many other industries, the transport world has been hit hard by the coronavirus. How can you adapt to this and avoid having to shut down? By being disruptive. This is what Anne-Marie Colley, a co-director of Transports Cordier and participant in the Emlyon Business School Executive MBA, is trying to do.
How do Panama, the USA or New Zealand sound as expat destinations?
How do Panama, the USA or New Zealand sound as expat destinations?
If you have decided to leave your home country behind you, there are so many places around the world you could choose instead. Here are some of the best countries you could choose to move to if you are thinking about starting up life as an expat.
Are serviced apartments the ideal for solo female expats?
Are serviced apartments the ideal for solo female expats?
The last decade has seen an increasing number of women moving abroad for work. Are serviced apartments the ideal solution to ensure safety for women living abroad on their own?
Recent changes in US visas
Recent changes in US visas
Ahead of the launch of this year's United States' Green Card lottery on the 2nd of October, Estaform takes stock of the recent changes in the country's visa policies.
Seven relocation hacks to help make your move easier
Crown Relocations
Seven relocation hacks to help make your move easier
Whether you're a first time mover or experienced traveller there is always a tip or two to learn before a big move. Which is why Crown Relocations have put together some of their top relocations hacks to make your move easier and take away some of that unnecessary stress.
How to budget when moving abroad
How to budget when moving abroad
Moving abroad is a task which requires courage, perseverance, and sometimes, large financial investment. Funds can quickly disappear in transporting belongings, property costs, and other hidden charges like foreign exchange rates. This article from CurrencyFair outlines some key principles in saving for expats who are just starting their adventure or looking to reassess some aspects of their new lifestyle abroad.
Entrepreneurs: Have you thought of South Korea?
Osung Accounting Corporation
Entrepreneurs: Have you thought of South Korea?
When you ask foreigners what comes to their mind when they hear the word "South Korea"? Twenty years ago, many would have failed to answer this question with ease. The answers given may have been "Kimchi", "North Korea" or "Taekwondo" at best. Asking the same question nowadays, people would not be hesitant to give answers. It might be the food like Kimchi, Bibimbap or Bulgogi or some will mention titles of K-Drama or names of K-Pop artists. South Korea managed to increase its popularity over the years and today, we want to talk a little bit about what it is like to do business in the country.
Everything you need to know about expat health insurance
Everything you need to know about expat health insurance
Watch the latest webinar in replay. Edouard Da Rin and Leslie Lusamba, expat healthcare experts, share information and advice to wisely choose the health plan that fits your needs while living abroad, regardless of your destination. Find everything you need to know about expatriate insurance!

Other Types

Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
The Golden Visa has not had its final say. Despite the visa controversy, several countries keep relying on it to attract foreign capital. Let's discover which countries are relaunching or reforming the program and what has changed.
What are the challenges faced by expats of color in Asia?
Everyday life
What are the challenges faced by expats of color in Asia?
Who are “people of color”? What is “Asia”? What are these never-ending gazes? This article aims to explore terms that are controversial and raise questions about our relationships with others and with ourselves as expats.
Embracing culture shock: How it shapes you for the better
Everyday life
Embracing culture shock: How it shapes you for the better
Moving to a new country almost always comes with a set of shocks. You may run into them right away or several months and even years into your stay. Out of all the shocks of an expat journey, culture shock is the most known and talked about. There are lots of resources online that will tell you how to manage culture shock, typically labeling it as something negative and unpleasant. But what if the culture shock you are experiencing is actually making you raise your own standards? It turns out that for some expats, culture shock can be a push.
Emerging destinations and shifting immigration policies in 2024
Emerging destinations and shifting immigration policies in 2024
On one hand, labor shortages continue to hinder economic growth in many countries. On the other hand, immigration policies are increasingly selective, prioritizing the recruitment of skilled and highly skilled foreigners. What impact does this have on moving abroad plans? Is there a decline in immigration rates? Which nationalities are most affected?
Attracting global talent: How the EU plans to solve its healthcare crisis
Attracting global talent: How the EU plans to solve its healthcare crisis
The European Union is in need of healthcare professionals. Although this isn't publicized within European institutions, a behind-the-scenes battle is clearly underway among various European countries. These countries are treading carefully, balancing more restrictive immigration policies with chronic labor shortages. What does this mean for medical professionals from around the globe?
How career breaks are winning the job game for international graduates
How career breaks are winning the job game for international graduates
Long considered a significant drawback, gaps in a CV are gradually becoming more accepted in the international job market. Championed by young foreign talents and increasingly accepted by employers, career breaks have become a new trend. Young professionals are taking time off to find a better position, whether locally or abroad. How do international job seekers justify their choices, and how do employers react?