Content from our partners

Book your discounted tickets with SNCF Connect from February 14 to 20
SNCF Connect
Book your discounted tickets with SNCF Connect from February 14 to 20
Are you planning to travel around Europe in the coming weeks or months? Whether you're going to Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands or even England, get the most out of discounts from SNCF Connect from February 14 to 20. Book your tickets now!
Barcelona opens a new office for welcoming international talent
Barcelona City Council
Barcelona opens a new office for welcoming international talent
Barcelona City Council opens the 'Barcelona International Welcome Desk', a new office located in the MediaTIC building in the 22@ innovation district, aimed at international talent who want to come and live in the city or who have just moved here. The new office will offer information, advice and the possibility of carrying out various useful procedures on arrival in the city. It is the first office of its kind in Spain.
A very British Christmas : Expats, get your favourite snacks delivered to you
British Corner Shop
A very British Christmas : Expats, get your favourite snacks delivered to you
There's no doubt Britain makes some of the best quality food and drink products in the world and is famous for some of it's more ‘unique' dishes (think Toad in the Hole, Spotted Dick, Bubble and Squeak). So, it comes as no surprise to find that when Brits move abroad, they struggle to recreate the food cupboard they once relied on back home. That's why British Corner Shop exists – to reunite British expats with all the food and drink they miss from the UK.
How do I insure my home as an expat in Belgium?
How do I insure my home as an expat in Belgium?
If you're thinking about moving to Belgium, taking out a home insurance policy will be one of your priorities. Here is everything you need to know.
Barcelona International Community Day is back
BCN International
Barcelona International Community Day is back
On Saturday 23 October, the 7th edition of Barcelona International Community Day will be held, returning to its face-to-face format. Under the slogan Back to (net)work!, 2021 edition aims to bring everybody back together and strengthen the relations of the international community. It will include 50 activities and over 70 exhibitors, consolidating its position as the main welcoming and networking space for those who have come to live and work in the city. 
Guam's air V&V program opens for tourists to get vaccinated while on vacation
Guam Visitors Bureau
Guam's air V&V program opens for tourists to get vaccinated while on vacation
Guam is an island territory in the Western Pacific Ocean and is considered the largest island in the Mariana Islands archipelago. The island features tropical beaches, ancient stone pillars, and Chamorro villages. Guam is a perfect holiday destination to de-stress yourself from the monotonous lifestyle. A visit to Guam will seem like a breath of fresh air with the pristine clear waters of the ocean and magnificent white beaches.
International assignments: Are we ready to adapt to a new future?
HSBC Expat
International assignments: Are we ready to adapt to a new future?
None of us will ever forget the immense challenges of the last eighteen months. But if you are looking for a compelling case study of the incredible things that can be achieved when different nationalities and cultures come together for the common good, then the work being done to turn the tide against the pandemic has arguably raised the bar forever. 
Looking for a job in France: Here's how to build your CV
Looking for a job in France: Here's how to build your CV
For the most part, CV-building is standard - as long as you know the basics, you can apply for a job anywhere. That being said, certain things about the job-hunting process - such as how you search for a job, what your CV looks like, what you include in a cover letter, etc. - are country-specific. So, if you want to get hired in France, knowing the details of what a French CV should contain can make a huge difference and substantially improve your employability.
Boosting your business beyond COVID-19
Intercompany Solutions
Boosting your business beyond COVID-19
As many businesses struggle amidst the COVID-19 crisis, Intercompany Solutions gives a few pointers as to how to remain competitive.
Why having a home on the Spanish Coast could be a great option
Why having a home on the Spanish Coast could be a great option
Would you like to relocate to Spain? Known for being an amazing country with a great quality of life, Spain is actually one of the most popular expat hotspots in Europe with a range of benefits, regardless of your nationality. So if you're ready for a change of lifestyle, here's how you can get your dream home on the Spanish Coast.
Mortgage in Germany: Four steps that expats need to know
Mortgage in Germany: Four steps that expats need to know
Buying a property is one of the most exciting life decisions for most people. And that excitement is multiplied when it comes to buying a property abroad! Expats considering a mortgage in Germany should be happy to know that the country is one of the safest and more secure countries for real estate investment, only behind the US (according to a 2021 survey by the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate – AFIRE).
A guide to managing your finances in Spain in this new era
Holborn Wealth Management
A guide to managing your finances in Spain in this new era
Does the UK leaving Europe mean you have to give up your plans to live, work, retire or invest in Spain? Absolutely not! But financial planning has become just as important as sun cream, after the UK left Europe. So, here is what you need to know about how to manage your finances in Spain right now.
Prepared for the future: The challenge of educating for an ever-changing world
The British School of Barcelona
Prepared for the future: The challenge of educating for an ever-changing world
Inspiring young generations to be global citizens in a multicultural environment will allow them to live and work anywhere in the world. The ability to manage the speed of change with the necessary social, emotional, cognitive and digital skills is the key to facing the challenges of the future.
Why a career development appraisal?
ADKS Avenir
Why a career development appraisal?
Are you looking for a job, for fulfillment at work or new professional challenges? Then a Career Development Appraisal is perfect for you! This powerful guided individual process allows you to find THE job that suits you, boost your career or make sure that your professional project is the right choice for you. You will regain self-confidence, clarify your needs, develop your action plan and implement it. In order to achieve your goal.  
Why an MBA is the best option?
MBA Tour
Why an MBA is the best option?
In a world that can change in an instant, an MBA may be your safest bet for long-term career success. & APRIL International survey: Portugal and Germany stand out for quality of living
April International & APRIL International survey: Portugal and Germany stand out for quality of living
What defines quality of life in the world's top 10 expat destinations?
Things to keep in mind when transferring money to and from Nigeria
Trade Naira
Things to keep in mind when transferring money to and from Nigeria
One of the biggest issue expats have when settling down in a new country is arranging their finances. This can become even more painful when they come across stumbling blocks like opening a local bank account or converting money to and from the local currency. This is one of the biggest issues experienced by expats in Nigeria. Whether you need the Nigerian currency, Naira to pay bills and enjoy the local delights or if they need to convert funds back from local currencies to send to their country of origin.
A year in Australia with a Working Holiday Visa Australia
A year in Australia with a Working Holiday Visa Australia
For those who would like to live, work and gain some valuable life experience abroad, the Working Holiday Visa for Australia is a perfect option. This visa is a permit to travel and work in Australia for up to 12 months.

Other Types

East Asian countries unveil their digital nomad visas
East Asian countries unveil their digital nomad visas
Digital nomadism has been a hot topic since the pandemic, catering to the new aspirations of professionals who want to work in a "vacation" setting. Countries benefit from this trend, too, and are looking to these new expatriates to boost their economies. In East Asia, two more countries are venturing into the digital nomad scene. Here's a closer look.
Where should you move for a career in AI?
Where should you move for a career in AI?
The boom in generative AI continues to transform the global job market. Companies around the world, especially the tech giants known as GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook (Meta), Amazon, and Microsoft), are increasingly investing in artificial intelligence. Even sectors seemingly distant from the digital world, such as accounting and legal firms, are getting involved. What job opportunities can you seize abroad? What studies should you pursue to succeed in AI?
How to know when it's time to move abroad
Everyday life
How to know when it's time to move abroad
International relocation is far from the idealized image often portrayed. This image usually glosses over travel difficulties and ignores the circumstances that push people to leave their country. When you no longer feel comfortable at home, leaving may seem the only option. This is the choice of many expatriates seeking an ordinary life they couldn't achieve in their home country.
Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
The Golden Visa has not had its final say. Despite the visa controversy, several countries keep relying on it to attract foreign capital. Let's discover which countries are relaunching or reforming the program and what has changed.
What are the challenges faced by expats of color in Asia?
Everyday life
What are the challenges faced by expats of color in Asia?
Who are “people of color”? What is “Asia”? What are these never-ending gazes? This article aims to explore terms that are controversial and raise questions about our relationships with others and with ourselves as expats.
Embracing culture shock: How it shapes you for the better
Everyday life
Embracing culture shock: How it shapes you for the better
Moving to a new country almost always comes with a set of shocks. You may run into them right away or several months and even years into your stay. Out of all the shocks of an expat journey, culture shock is the most known and talked about. There are lots of resources online that will tell you how to manage culture shock, typically labeling it as something negative and unpleasant. But what if the culture shock you are experiencing is actually making you raise your own standards? It turns out that for some expats, culture shock can be a push.