
News: Qatar abolishes Kafala system for unskilled international workers
News: Qatar abolishes Kafala system for unskilled international workers
Unskilled international workers in Qatar will no longer need sponsorship to be allowed to work in the country, as announced on Monday by the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs.
Bilingual employees: An asset for global organisations
Everyday life
Bilingual employees: An asset for global organisations
How much does the official language of the destination country affect your expat plans? And what does the communication language of multicultural organisations mean for international employees, and businesses' efficiency? Intercultural communication is one of the key elements involved in expatriation, and globalised workplaces are reforming — some faster than others — the ways they interact in order to defeat language barriers and to expose international talent.
International movement and key trends among American expats
International movement and key trends among American expats
In 2015, the United Nations recorded 244 million international migrants, who are now part of the economies and societies they live in. People leave their country for a ton of different reasons (work, health, family, etc.), but they seem to have similar destination preferences. The United States hosts the largest number of international migrants (47 million), followed by Germany, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. Expat.com, the informative and interactive website for life abroad, is revealing the most popular expat destinations among its members — before looking into where American expats head to.
How to develop a social and professional network in Malta
How to develop a social and professional network in Malta
Sunny weather, relaxed lifestyle and entrepreneurial mindset — Malta is well on its way to becoming one of Europe's top expat destinations, attracting affluent foreigners, expats, and well-travelled professionals looking to not only reside permanently on the island but also develop a professional network.
International education: Where are the top performing students?
Schools & studies
International education: Where are the top performing students?
When relocating with children, the education system in the destination country is something you don't take lightly as a parent. Governments repeatedly make education reforms a priority, but there's nothing like ideal education system — yet. Singapore's students have just been announced the highest-performing in international maths and science tests, while Finland has for four decades been the paradigm of successful education. Your expat children will have to adapt to an education environment that is unique to the country, but don't underestimate the role of cultural and family values.
Employment trends and expat millennials: Time to pack up  
Banks and finance
Employment trends and expat millennials: Time to pack up  
It was only a generation ago that a successful living was very much defined by a stable job in a well-established company or the public sector. But millennials — backed by the advanced telecommunications industry — take on part-time and freelance jobs, work remotely, and aspire to become entrepreneurs. This shift in employment trends stemming from millennials' traits — open-minded, risk takers, and passionate administrators of their own lives — revolutionises the motives for expatriation and traveling.
How to move abroad when you are young, wild and free
How to move abroad when you are young, wild and free
Moving abroad when you are young can be the best present you have ever given yourself. Youth — as your parents usually say — is all about first-hand experience, learning about the world, meeting new people, exchanging passions and ideas, and defining your career aspirations. Every year, thousands of students, graduates, and first-time employees choose to move abroad to satisfy their curiosity, and to build their personal brand.
Climate change and global warming: How do countries respond
Everyday life
Climate change and global warming: How do countries respond
The political and social debate on climate change, and the effects it has on all beings, our environment, and health is a matter of shared interest. According to migration experts, climate change will soon give rise to big waves of migration, indistinctively forcing citizens to move to less vulnerable countries.
Top Ten Fun Things to Do in Malta
Top Ten Fun Things to Do in Malta
Travelling is a lot about enriching your personal experience and indulging into adventure. Malta is a destination that has something special to offer to all avid travellers. Built on rich history, cherished with wonderful festivals, and exceptional recreational resorts, the island has something for everyone to see no matter what their taste.
Moving abroad with your pet: Tips for a smooth expatriation
Health system
Moving abroad with your pet: Tips for a smooth expatriation
Are you planning to make the big move abroad? There's a lot to think about, and plenty of organisation to do before you bid farewell to your friends and family, and salute the new opportunities and adventures ahead. But, wait a minute — what about your four-legged furry friend? Expatriation is as stressful for pets, as it's for us. With this in mind, Expat.com brings you some tips on how to make the moving an as smooth as possible process for your pet.
Working Holiday Visa: All you need to know before applying
Working Holiday Visa: All you need to know before applying
If you have been dreaming about moving abroad to discover new cultures with the possibility of working, the Working Holiday Visa (WHV) could be meant for you. Discover the benefits of the WHV with Expat.com if you are aged 18 to 31.
Weather conditions: How to master the weather when living abroad
Everyday life
Weather conditions: How to master the weather when living abroad
Don't fall for statements that declare the weather as the imperator of our mood — a look at the 2016 World Happiness Report shows that the seven happiest countries in the world are countries with generous wintry weather (Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Canada, Netherlands). Yet, we all have preferences, and weather can brighten you up, or put your mood on ice. So, if you are planning to expatriate soon, or are already living abroad, Expat.com is here to shelter you from the strong winds, or the blazing sun.
Testimony of an American expat and active mom of four in Mexico
Testimony of an American expat and active mom of four in Mexico
Tina arrived in Mexico with her husband and her four children to experience the slower pace of life in the country. She shared with Expat.com her feelings about life in Mexico, as an American mother of four children.
Homeschooling: The power of your children's education in your hands
Homeschooling: The power of your children's education in your hands
Homeschooling is a viable education option for expatriates and their children, who either don't have access to international schools, cannot afford the fees of private schools, don't applaud public institutions, or are merely supporters of this ambiguous teaching and learning method. Expatriation with children adds on your to do list an extra duty — to arrange schooling for them — that depending on the destination country, can be easier or harder to accomplish. Here we present homeschooling, but it's for your family to decide what's the best way to the children's education.  
US election 2016: The great move to Canada
US election 2016: The great move to Canada
While Donald Trump is celebrating his victory, and is laying the groundwork for “making America Great Again”, there's a great portion of American people, who don't want to see him in action. Many US citizens have just been caught unaware, and they are taking their destiny into their own hands — moving to Canada isn't just an option for the future anymore, it's their last hope.
Freelancer Expat: Double Delight
Hong Kong
Freelancer Expat: Double Delight
Expatriation involves a great deal of adventure and uncertainty. Freelance work too, comes with a lot of freedom, flexibility, and creativity — all leading to an unconventional reality that can make or break you. Moving abroad is already a challenge when there's a solid employment contract waiting for you, let alone when there's no company, support network of colleagues, and steady income. But you know with all your heart that freelancing is what you want to be doing, and you want to be doing it abroad. Here are a few things to consider before you pack your laptop.  
Intercultural marriage: When there's more than one right way
Everyday life
Intercultural marriage: When there's more than one right way
You don't choose who crosses your path, you fall in love with and decide to share your life — it just happens. In a world that voluntarily movement from one country to another and expatriation are becoming more common, intercultural marriage is on the rise.
Selective immigration: What future expatriates should know
Selective immigration: What future expatriates should know
Every year, thousands of foreign professionals look for new opportunities abroad. But before making the move, it is best to be aware of existing criteria so that you know what to expect from the host country — especially where selective immigration applies. Here we guide you through the key aspects of selective immigration.

Other Types

East Asian countries unveil their digital nomad visas
East Asian countries unveil their digital nomad visas
Digital nomadism has been a hot topic since the pandemic, catering to the new aspirations of professionals who want to work in a "vacation" setting. Countries benefit from this trend, too, and are looking to these new expatriates to boost their economies. In East Asia, two more countries are venturing into the digital nomad scene. Here's a closer look.
Where should you move for a career in AI?
Where should you move for a career in AI?
The boom in generative AI continues to transform the global job market. Companies around the world, especially the tech giants known as GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook (Meta), Amazon, and Microsoft), are increasingly investing in artificial intelligence. Even sectors seemingly distant from the digital world, such as accounting and legal firms, are getting involved. What job opportunities can you seize abroad? What studies should you pursue to succeed in AI?
Top 5 best movies to watch on TV5MONDEplus
Top 5 best movies to watch on TV5MONDEplus
Looking for new movies to enjoy this summer? Well, look no further. Discover (or rediscover) the best of French-speaking cinema on TV5MONDEplus with subtitles available in six languages, including English, of course! Whether you're into original comedies, touching dramas or auteur films, TV5Mondeplus has handpicked for you the top 5 movies praised by critics, all available for you to watch.
Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
The Golden Visa has not had its final say. Despite the visa controversy, several countries keep relying on it to attract foreign capital. Let's discover which countries are relaunching or reforming the program and what has changed.
Attracting global talent: How the EU plans to solve its healthcare crisis
Attracting global talent: How the EU plans to solve its healthcare crisis
The European Union is in need of healthcare professionals. Although this isn't publicized within European institutions, a behind-the-scenes battle is clearly underway among various European countries. These countries are treading carefully, balancing more restrictive immigration policies with chronic labor shortages. What does this mean for medical professionals from around the globe?
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
For 30 years, EURES has been connecting jobseekers and employers across Europe. Launched in 1994, this European network of employment services has played a pivotal role in facilitating the free movement of labour within the EU, overcoming employment barriers, and promoting career opportunities across Europe. Check it out and learn more about what this service is about and how jobseekers and employers can benefit.