Moving - Expat Magazine

A checklist to find out how well you have adapted to your new country
A checklist to find out how well you have adapted to your new country
Moving abroad may mean changing almost every aspect of your life, depending on how far your host country is from your home culturally. Adjusting to a different lifestyle and bringing in your day-to-day a new etiquette and mode of operation requires an open mind. However, at we understand that tolerance isn't always enough, and often, regardless of your willingness to adapt to your new environment, it may just be impossible or not as easy as it was during your previous expat project. On average, you should be able to say whether you feel comfortable or not in your host country after the first half of a year's stay. Use our checklist to see how far you are in your adaptation process.
Top cities for successful freelancers
Top cities for successful freelancers
Are you one of these professionals who aspire to work free from the rules of the nine-to-five office environment? Or does the company you work for encourage remote working? Gig economy, which is based on freelance work and short-term contracts, empowers you to apply creativity to your work and lifestyle. If you want to expatriate and experience a new culture while earning a living, you may wish to consider one of the cities below for your freelance career along with some additional information about this satisfying yet challenging field.
Thriving abroad: The story of a forever expat
Thriving abroad: The story of a forever expat
Ute is a German (and Swiss) “expat-since-birth”, as she likes to call herself. She has lived abroad her entire life, and is currently living with her loving family in The Hague, Netherlands. Ute has moved to different countries several times for study, work, and to accompany her partner, and with every move she had to reinvent herself, to adapt, and to overcome the lows. However, every country has been an adventure she has learned from and an opportunity to thrive and move forward.
The most family-friendly expat destinations
The most family-friendly expat destinations
In spite of the fact that families around the world have unique structures and are affected by different socio-economic environments, they are the basic unit of every society. On the United Nations' International Day of Families, presents the best countries to raise a family, as revealed by the latest HSBC Expat Explorer survey. Find out where you get high-quality childcare, education, and healthcare to secure a glowing future for your family.
Designing a pretty life: From Guatemala to Finland
Designing a pretty life: From Guatemala to Finland
Omar is from Guatemala and arrived in Finland eleven years ago as the singer in a heavy metal band. Ever since, many things have changed — the group split up, Omar obtained the Finnish nationality, and he has created a loving family. Follow us on this exciting journey of a designer, musician, and avid traveller from Guatemala to Finland. 
Which nations work the longest hours?
Which nations work the longest hours?
When you find yourself in an international group of expats, conversations tend to turn into some competition about whose country has the best national dish and which is the most hardworking nation. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) debunks any myths that expats may have created with a thorough survey, which has measured the annual working hours in 35 OECD member states. Most of the countries ranked are developed, and some fall under the category of developing countries.
How to get to know your host country
How to get to know your host country
To ensure a successful expatriation and a pleasant expat life, it is very important to become aware of the cultural differences between your host country and your previous location. First and foremost, understand the context of the new culture you are about to throw yourself in. What is the short history of the region? What is the country's climate? What about the economic, social, and geopolitical environment? The answers to these questions will help you wrap your mind around the people's lifestyle, local cuisine, work ethics, and family life. gives you some tips on how to collect sufficient and accurate information about your host country to interact successfully with the local population and avoid misunderstandings or even legal troubles.
Goodbyes: The fallout of expatriation
Goodbyes: The fallout of expatriation
What is the one thing that you detest as an expat, and every time you go through it, it feels like it's the first time? At we voted: the goodbyes. Or as we prefer to call them: the “see you soon”. You pave your expat path away from family and friends, and you have to leave behind a place and maybe a pet — whichever your situation is, parting from the people you love and the space you feel comfortable in is an onerous process. Every single time.
From Strasbourg to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa
New Zealand
From Strasbourg to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa
Aby, arrived in New Zealand from Strasbourg on a Working Holiday Visa, grabbing the opportunity that the country offers to young expatriates who want to work in New Zealand with spare time to explore its beauty. There are many reasons why Aby chose New Zealand as her expat destination; one of them is the friendly and welcoming Kiwi people. She talks to about the flexibility that the Working Holiday Visa gives you and the best things about New Zealand. 
From Thailand to Timor-Leste for gender equality
From Thailand to Timor-Leste for gender equality
Xian, an Australian-Chinese-Filipina, amateur photographer, badminton player, and swimmer among others, moved to the island nation of Timor-Leste three and a half years ago to continue her wonderful work on gender equality and the prevention of violence against women.  Xian has absolutely adapted to the unique style of island living, and shares with some tips on making the most of your expat experience in Timor-Leste — spoiler alert: food and snorkelling included.
Top five greenest countries in the world
Top five greenest countries in the world
A healthy environment is one of the key factors for a good quality of life. If you're planning to move abroad, especially with your family, you are probably concerned about the quality of air, water, and environment-friendly policies. To help you choose your next destination, here's an insight into five of the world's greenest countries according to the Environment Performance Index 2018 by Yale University and Columbia University.
The accomplishments of a successful expat in Lyon
The accomplishments of a successful expat in Lyon
Alejandra, a Colombian expat in Lyon, France has gone through different stages of life in this historical city. A language enthusiast, Alejandra initially arrived in France to learn French but she immediately fell in love with this vibrant place, and enrolled in a Master's degree before getting a rewarding full time job as a business developer. Looking always on the bright side of life, Alejandra gives us a tour around her favourite city. 
The countries with the biggest brain drain
The countries with the biggest brain drain
Brain drain is the phenomenon during which young, highly skilled, and competent professionals leave their home country for better professional and financial opportunities abroad. This international movement of talent is usually from developing or small nations where unemployment and political oppression are through the roof, or business opportunities are limited, to richer and predominantly democratic countries. We look at six countries that appear to suffer the most from the side effects of human capital flight.
Long distance relationships: Challenging but possible
Long distance relationships: Challenging but possible
You and your partner are in a secure and loving relationship, which has to undergo a temporary physical separation due to set objectives for career growth or personal development. It is true that this sole expatriation, which can be anything from a few weeks to many months, can bring some uncertainties and unexpected difficulties in the relationship. However, we believe that true love doesn't know geographical boundaries, and expat life can be a valuable experience for both — the one who departs and the one who stays behind.
Pros and cons of hiring an expat
Pros and cons of hiring an expat
Are you thinking to recruit global talent to help you set up your business abroad or establish your brand in a foreign market? International recruitment can help you achieve your business objectives and boost your company's performance on an international level. However, before you rush into sourcing global talent, why not weighing first the pros and cons of working with people from overseas? We have compiled a list of the advantages and disadvantages of hiring an expat to help you make a well-informed decision.
Moto rides and other adventures in the land of a thousand hills
Moto rides and other adventures in the land of a thousand hills
Sila, from Nigeria and Turkey, is now living and working in Rwanda after she agreed to accept a relocation job offer. In the heart of Africa, and home to the continent's largest rainforest with a third of gorillas' world population, Rwanda is one of the proudest nations regarding conservation of natural habitats. When not teaching the principles of leadership to talented, pan-African students, Sila is enjoying the variety of restaurants and the convenience of moto rides, which can take you anywhere in the country's capital city, Kigali. However, there are three things that Sila needs more time to adapt to — living without caring housemates, the lack of spicy food, and the calmness of the city.
April's expat blog: Adventures With Pete
New Zealand
April's expat blog: Adventures With Pete
We are happy to announce our April's Blog of The Month, Adventures With Pete by Eve Brickner, a twenty-something American expat in New Zealand. In 2013, Eve met her fiancé, and ever since they have been together on a journey of adventures. However, the biggest of all is living in New Zealand, and Eve blogs about the ups and downs, and the lessons learned throughout.
New Orleans: Where a French expat finds enthusiasm for life
New Orleans: Where a French expat finds enthusiasm for life
Céline, a French expat in New Orleans, Louisiana, has a rewarding job and leads a full life in this historic city of jazz music and swing. She loves cycling to work, seafood gumbo, and the friendliness of the people. Follow her unique expat story in New Orleans as we unfold it, and learn more about this expat destination from someone who found home away from home in it.