Moving - Expat Magazine

Seven relocation hacks to help make your move easier
Crown Relocations
Seven relocation hacks to help make your move easier
Whether you're a first time mover or experienced traveller there is always a tip or two to learn before a big move. Which is why Crown Relocations have put together some of their top relocations hacks to make your move easier and take away some of that unnecessary stress.
Why people emigrate: This is what our survey reveals
Why people emigrate: This is what our survey reveals and global research agency, Kantar have teamed up to explore the reasons why people want to move abroad in 2019. The research also unveils countries preferred by expats and expats-to-be and reasons that make said countries attractive.
Moving abroad preparation: Your one-stop-shop!
Moving abroad preparation: Your one-stop-shop!
So, you are moving to a new country? With just three months left before the big event, there are plenty of things to be excited about. With that, as exhilarating as this period may be, it can also get quite overwhelming. With so many things to think about, paperwork to arrange and packing to do, the best thing you can do is keep calm and stay organised.
Caroline Szipira tells us about coming home after living abroad
Caroline Szipira tells us about coming home after living abroad
A bit more than a year after moving back to France, Caroline Szipira tells about the process of moving home from living abroad.
Lisa: "If I had to wait for someone to come with me, I would never have left..."
Moving abroad on your own is no easy feat. Some might argue that it is particularly hard when you're a woman. So on this International Women's Day, celebrates the wonderful women who have made the big move abroad. Here's Lisa… she's a French girl who pursued the dream of studying Film in Los Angeles!
The five cheapest places to retire abroad
The five cheapest places to retire abroad
Spending your free time exploring a new country, understanding its culture and mixing with the locals sounds like a dream, right? You have always dreamt of retiring abroad, but you are not ready to spend your lifetime savings on relocating. Understandable. International Living has compiled a list of the five cheapest places where you could accomplish your retiring abroad dream.
Five reasons why you should move to a big city
Five reasons why you should move to a big city
Why should you choose big city life over living in a small town? The choice might not be obvious if you're considering relocating abroad, whether alone or with your family. Over the years, many expats have found it easier to live in a big city for various reasons. Find out, with, why you should move to a big city, regardless of your motivations.
The world's cheapest cities for expats
The world's cheapest cities for expats
For years, many global reports have unveiled some of the world's most expensive cities for expats, regarding rent, leisure and daily expenses in particular. If you're looking to move abroad on a budget, whether you're planning to study, work, set up a business or retire, have a look at some of the world's cheapest cities according to a study by Nomadlist.
From rainy UK to sunny Chile
From rainy UK to sunny Chile
Meet Nina, serial expat who been living out of a suitcase since she was 18. With a background in luxury travel, she was thrilled at the opportunity to move to one of the most beautiful countries in the world, Chile. Here she shares her experiences on expat life in Santiago and beyond.
Challenges of benching career for family when following a partner overseas
Challenges of benching career for family when following a partner overseas
After a successful and challenging career as a Psychologist in the area of trauma and abuse, and helping others survive their situations, Stefanie met her French husband in her home country Australia and decided to follow him back to Europe. Although excited about the new adventure, the arrival of their 2 children often left Stefanie struggling with missing her career and being a stay-at-home mum, which led her to taking a less stressful and demanding job. Below, she details some of the challenges that people face when sacrificing their careers for their partner and family, whether they changed to a new profession, or stopped working completely.
Pros and cons of moving abroad with your partner
Pros and cons of moving abroad with your partner
It's always hard to plan your move as a couple. While you might be excited about taking up new challenges and discovering new things, facing the unknown can also be quite stressful. Would it be wiser to move alone or with a trailing partner? In reality, it all depends on your long-term plans and ambitions. If things are not clear yet for you, tells you about the pros and cons of moving abroad with your partner.
The best wildlife destinations around the world
The best wildlife destinations around the world
If you're passionate about adventure travel, staying in your host country can be a unique opportunity to explore its land and marine biodiversity as well as that of neighbouring countries. During your free time or in the weekend, why not take a few days to hike in the forests or mountains, take a stroll in a national park, or plan a safari? For wildlife lovers, has compiled a short list of best destinations around the world to observe fauna.
Where to get citizenship by investment
Where to get citizenship by investment
Citizenship by investment is an interesting option for entrepreneurs, businesspeople and retirees looking to move abroad or simply to acquire a second nationality. Today, many countries have implemented citizenship programs to boost their economic growth by attracting wealthy foreigners with a range of benefits. Which are the most and least attractive countries for citizenship by investment and the barriers to overcome? gives you an insight into the Financial Times' CBI Index 2018.
Eight habits you will adopt as an expat in Greece
Eight habits you will adopt as an expat in Greece
In spite of Greece's lingering financial crisis and high levels of unemployment, especially among the youth, the country has remained an attractive destination for expats who are looking for low cost of living, sunshine, and a booming startup ecosystem. The cradle of Western civilisation, Greece is a large source of history and culture. Once you overcome the initial culture shock, you won't be able to resist Greek people's passion for introducing you to the Greek way of life; before you know it you will be celebrating name days, and you will be hugging and kissing your friends when you meet them.
Five excellent reasons to move to Toronto
Five excellent reasons to move to Toronto
Toronto, the capital city of Canada's province of Ontario and the fifth largest city in North America (after Mexico City, NYC, Los Angeles, and Chicago), is one of Canada's greatest places to live, if you have an active and outgoing personality. The city's landscape and lifestyle are the results of the fascinating mixture of cultures and subcultures. From the hospitality of the people and the vibrancy of city life to the job opportunities and the work-life balance, here are five reasons you will enjoy expat life in the metropolis of Toronto.
Awesome expat cities that aren't capitals
Awesome expat cities that aren't capitals
If you are a seasoned urbanite, most likely your eyes and personality are trained to find the beauty and unique characteristics in every city you live in. Of course, each place has its positive and negative aspects, but some destinations are closer to our heart. Here, we present five charming and contemporary cities around the world, which are not the capital cities.
The best countries to retire in
The best countries to retire in
Today, more and more seniors are looking to retire overseas. Many countries are attracting retirees from around the world by providing not only a high standard of living and quality of life but also a range of financial benefits. gives you an insight into the best countries to retire in according to the Global Retirement Index 2018 by Natixis.
Please, don't ask me these expat-related questions again
Please, don't ask me these expat-related questions again
Expatriation started as a necessity when I was looking to progress with my academic studies of a Master's degree in England. However, it was earlier in my life, when I began travelling for leisure, that I figured out moving countries is a lifestyle I would like to revel in. Since 2007, I have lived and worked in five countries in Europe, Africa, and East Asia, and I am currently preparing for my next expatriation project. I may find it easier to board a plane and start all over again than deciding what to have for dinner, but the journey is not anxiety and sorrow-free. So, if you are interested in how a life away from everything you take for granted is, please don't ask me (or any other like-minded expat for that matter) any of the following questions — here's why.