Visas - Expat Magazine

The UK's crackdown on immigration: What are the measures and implications?
The UK's crackdown on immigration: What are the measures and implications?
The United Kingdom has experienced a significant increase in net migration since the Brexit vote in 2016, contrary to what was expected. The Conservative government is now trying to find other ways to curb the influx of immigrants.
Australia to overhaul visa policy: What does this mean for expatriates?
Australia to overhaul visa policy: What does this mean for expatriates?
The Australian government is currently reviewing its visa policy, as announced by Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil, in preparation for the finalization of the federal budget. The changes are expected to come into effect on 1 July, the start of the financial year in Australia. The review aims to align the visa policy with the country's objectives and tackle the exploitation of temporary workers. According to the government, the existing system is flawed and no longer reflects market realities. What does this mean for expatriates?
From study to work: Which countries offer international graduates the easiest path?
From study to work: Which countries offer international graduates the easiest path?
For many international students, a degree abroad is part of a larger immigration plan. They invested in these studies with the hopes of getting a job as an expat after graduating. Some countries, such as Australia and the United Kingdom, offer a specific work visa for international graduates of their institutions. They allow them to work temporarily in the country for 1-6 years. After this period, they can apply for a more long-term work visa.
Why some international students in the UK might not be allowed to bring their dependents
Why some international students in the UK might not be allowed to bring their dependents
The UK government has been considering putting various restrictions on international students. Among these is a proposal to prevent some international students, those considered to be doing “low value” degrees, from getting dependent visas for their spouses and children. This proposition has been criticized both within and outside the government for being vague, discriminatory and counterintuitive for the economy.
Which countries offer jobseeker visas?
Which countries offer jobseeker visas?
Is it a new way to attract international talent? Today, more and more professionals worldwide are seeking new career opportunities overseas. But these opportunities (despite the labor shortages in many countries) are not that easy to understand and to grasp. Even when job opportunities are available, the cumbersome administrative procedures could discourage even the most willing job seekers. So are jobseeker visas the answer to your questions? That would mean going abroad, not with a job already in hand but to look for a job. 
China resumes visa issuance: What should expats expect?
China resumes visa issuance: What should expats expect?
Since Wednesday, March 15, China has officially reopened completely to the world. The country has indeed resumed issuing all types of visas, including tourist visas. This is a relief for the people concerned and for all prospective expats to China. It can be considered a strong signal sent by Beijing to the rest of the world, but should we expect a massive comeback of expats in China?
Rising visa fees: How will this affect the United States' attractiveness?
Rising visa fees: How will this affect the United States' attractiveness?
Is the American dream getting more expensive? Well, the country recently announced a rise in fees for a couple of visas. They expect this measure to help them continue providing their services. But how is this rise going to affect immigration to the US and the country's attractiveness?
Kuwait opens up residency for long-term expats
Kuwait opens up residency for long-term expats
On Wednesday, March 8, the Kuwait Public Manpower Authority announced that long-term expatriates would be eligible for residency renewal under certain conditions. While Kuwait seems to be relaxing its measures regarding long-term expatriates, this new measure doesn't apply to all expats. Still, it's a significant change for a country that has recently been in the news headlines for its job nationalization policy. 
These countries provide cultural visas for full immersion
These countries provide cultural visas for full immersion
When considering cultural immersion, we often picture a new language learning experience. Indeed, the idiom matches this definition. But what if we told you this immersion could bring much more than language learning? Without a doubt, culture is everything, and most of the time, this is what expats are looking for. But it also attracts culturally diverse artists willing to study, attend an event or carry out their art in a country.
Are we close to the end of Golden Visa programs in the EU?
Are we close to the end of Golden Visa programs in the EU?
Are Golden Visas living their last days in the European Union? Spain plans to restrict the conditions under which people can obtain a golden passport. Portugal and Ireland have already announced the end of their programs intended for wealthy foreign investors. Between the countries that are abolishing their Golden Visa programs and those that are pursuing it, let's take a look at this much controversial scheme. 
International students in Australia granted 2 additional years of post-study work rights
International students in Australia granted 2 additional years of post-study work rights
Starting on July 1, 2023, international graduates holding eligible qualifications will receive an extended two-year post-study work period, according to an announcement made by the Australian government. The limit on working hours for international students will also be raised from 40 hours per fortnight to 48 hours per fortnight beginning on the same date.
Where is it more challenging to get a partner or spouse visa?
Where is it more challenging to get a partner or spouse visa?
Expats who are in a relationship often want to bring their partner or spouse to the country where they are working. In some countries, this is a fairly straightforward process, but unfortunately, other countries have more stringent requirements like a minimum income threshold, age, or the number of years living together. Expats in same-sex relationships might also struggle to bring their partner to a country where same-sex marriage is not recognized.
Why the Spanish Golden Visa program could end soon
Why the Spanish Golden Visa program could end soon
Are we witnessing the last days of the Spanish Golden Visa? While Portugal and Ireland have announced the end of their Golden Visa programs intended for wealthy foreign investors, Spain's political left wing is proposing a law to abolish access to citizenship through real estate investment. How is this going to affect immigration in Spain?
Why you should get a Hallyu visa to South Korea
South Korea
Why you should get a Hallyu visa to South Korea
The Hallyu visa to South Korea is finally available after one year of discussions. Officially branded "K-culture training visa", it should allow foreigners to stay up to two years in South Korea to either discover its unique artistic scene or realize their dream of breaking into the entertainment industry. The government is also considering the introduction of a digital nomad visa.
Moving to a country with immigration quotas: What should you consider?
Moving to a country with immigration quotas: What should you consider?
Moving to a new country can be a thrilling and exciting experience, but it can also be challenging, especially when the country has immigration quotas in place. Immigration quotas are designed to regulate the flow of people entering a country, but they can also make the process of obtaining a visa and residency more complicated.
These countries assess candidates before issuing work visas
These countries assess candidates before issuing work visas
In most countries, the only test that expats need to take for their work visa is a language test. Many countries, notably Australia, also ask their professional bodies to assess expats' previous qualifications and experience before agreeing to issue a work visa. Kuwait is taking a step ahead by making work visa applicants take two exams.
Why the EB-5 Investor Visa remains the fastest way to obtain a Green Card
Why the EB-5 Investor Visa remains the fastest way to obtain a Green Card
In March 2022, the US government passed an act that allows standalone investors to remain legally in the US while their investment visa is still being processed. This de facto makes the EB-5 Investor Visa the fastest route to obtaining permanent residency in the US. It takes much less time than common routes like the H1-B and L-1 work visas. 
Ethiopia introduces new visa for foreign investors
Ethiopia introduces new visa for foreign investors
Ethiopia is the sixth largest economy in Africa, with a GDP of $111 billion in 2022. It is, in fact, on track to overtake Kenya for fifth place by 2023. As part of its strategy to achieve this, the government has successfully resumed its drive for foreign investment to boost economic growth. Its latest initiative is the introduction of a new visa for foreign investors. Here's what it means.