Testimonials from past employers for PR Applcation

Hellooo Members,

While doing research on documents for PR application, came across point about testimonials from past empoyers.
Is this in context of past empoyers sice one is in Singapore or past empoyees through start of ones career?
Tried to search google and this forum but mostly came across non relevant stuff.

If anyone has clarity please comment.
Since the exact criteria for PR approval or rejection are not published, we cannot know for sure how any such testimonials are evaluated and whether they make a difference. Therefore, it is your own personal decision to include or not. Good luck!

@beppi Thanks. So you suggesting the more testimonials we have from past employers, it will be better as we are not sure on what is the actual criteria.

I did not say that - read my reply again!
I did not say that - read my reply again!
- @beppi
That was clear...I meant since history of past employers was NOT clear in their directive, will hvaing more testimonials be of help? (it was add-on query, sorry, I realized, didn't frame my earlier comment correctly)
Don't bother. My friend is befriended with one of the Ministers here who wrote a personal testimonial. High earner, employer is affiliated with the government and so forth, been resident here for just under nine years.  Friend got rejected for p.r. and instead they gave a 5yr EP renewal. So go figure.