San Sebastian living!

Hi there expat forum - I'm a writer / director that has just moved to San Sebastian with my wife.

My wife is Spanish / Basque so made sense - i landed just as quarantine started so i have just been sat on the balcony looking out to the sea imagining the possibilities here!

It looks like we may be free soon... we are looking to meet people - we are pretty sociable just moved from London - we work in the arts and I may be setting up an acting group here when not travelling with shows ... i also love football and am looking forward to the surf...

Give me a shout and come round for a sunset cocktail!!!!

ps i am currently learning Spanish so any good school shouts that may have a social side and any opps to get out there and meet people...

hope to see some of you soon (even if it is with a 2m distance)!!!

Hello there, my husband and myself moved back from England 3 years ago. I give you my email in case you are interested  for a drink in Donostia any weekend. *** Regards

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