Undergraduate Studies

Dear Fellow Expatriates,

Hi, my name is Lauren, an undergraduate student from Binus International University, who is currently doing a thesis research entitled "An Investigation of Cross-Cultural Skills and Its Antecedence on Cross-Cultural Competency of Expatriate Employees in Jakarta". I would like to ask honorable expatriates in Jakarta to kindly fill in my questionnaire related to cross-culture. Here is the link of questionnaire:


In this research, I still need 82 respondents and I hope some Jakarta expatriates are willing to participate. Your answer is highly appreciated and I will be thankful for those who are willing to spare his/ her time to participate. Thank you for your kind assistance and have a pleasant day every one!

Cobain ke internationz juga Ms.
Good luck!

Dony Vernianto wrote:

Cobain ke internationz juga Ms.
Good luck!

Hello and welcome to the forum.
Could I request you post only in English please so all us poor bule can understand you.