Expression of interest process

Hi my husband and kids are in the process of getting our ducks in a row to lodge our EOI .We are using a agency.we are at the skills assessment stage(I am a accountant while my husband is a cabinet maker.both self employed)

Our agency has advised that we might be opting for the subclass 190 or 489 visa .

My question is how long did it take to get a invite on these visa options?

And is there anything you can tell me about life in Australia that really stands out and makes people glad they left SA( Besides the safety part)


The process can take time depending on whether your skill sets are on the preferred skills list. If all your ducks are in a row and there are no problems it will still take at least 3 months or more. This is due to the sheer number of applicants from overseas countries.

Cost of living makes Oz a little expensive for everything. Check out for living costs.

Have you decided on what state you hope to settle in? West Australia is popular with saffers. Try for jobs or do a Google search.

Good luck