Looking for temporary job in odessa

I am looking for a temporary job in odessa ua just to have something to do. I am on vacation.

I seriously doubt if you can get legal work whilst on a tourist visa.

kaethekost wrote:

I am looking for a temporary job in odessa ua just to have something to do. I am on vacation.

Isn't the purpose of a vacation to relax? If you want something to do, why not explore the city?

To continue from the post above, unless you have a work visa, you will not be able to work legally sorry to say.

Legally you are not permitted to work on a vacation. If you get inspected and Odessa its possible as an expat, you will get a big fine and probably asked to leave with a ban for 5 years, and no chance to stay again. If you wish to work get a Visa D. and do it correctly