Registering a birth in Canada

Hello everyone,

Have you had to or are you going to register a birth in Canada? What was the experience like?

Who is required to register the birth, and where? Can it be either the mother or father?

What documents are usually required in Canada?

How long does the process to register a birth take? Are there any time limits in which the registration must be completed?

Did you register the birth with your home country and how did that process compare? Will your child be able to have dual nationality?

Thank you for sharing your experience.



Birth registration is handled by the province one lives in. So my experience in Nova Scotia may not necessarily be the same as in other provinces. But typically the general rule of thumb is that upon the birth one's child, you need fill in 2 applications - one is the application for a SIN and the other is birth. Both application is dependent on the province's vital statistics department in verifying with the hospital that birth did happen. This whole process may take up to 3 - 4 mths or shorter depending on the time of the year or whether there was peak in the number of births at that time.

Like in Halifax, NS, there is a birth registration kiosk in the same floor as the rooms where the mothers are warded after birth. Fathers / mothers can go and register there. But either ways, the information of both mother and father are required.

Registering for parent's country differ depending on which country one originate from. It all starts with one calling up one's country's embassy or visit their website. I recommend the former as sometimes the websites don't get updated or there's hidden information that one can't acquire from the website and that can only be found out by conversing with someone on the phone.