Recognition of foreign qualifications in Lithuania

Hello everyone,

Were your professional qualifications recognised in Lithuania? What country did you complete your qualifications in? What profession are you in?

Did you have to go through any formalities to get your qualifications recognised, such as to have them translated?

If your qualifications weren't recognised, were there any additional tests or exams you had to complete before you were able to practice your profession in Lithuania or continue with your studies?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


Hi Priscilla,
How can i get my nursing qualifications recognized in Lithuania?

You should check this website   or contact hospitals, rest homes for information.
You may have to sit an examination.

Dear stumpy,

Thank you very much for the reply. I'll check the site. Mean while, how to contact hospitals?

Thank you


To contact hospitals use Google and search for hospitals

Dear stumpy

Thank your very much for kind concern. I'll  do it.
